biotin hair growth


Posted by | October 18, 2006 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Kyle and Owen love the bath. Can you tell from the pictures!? Their favorite things to do in the bath are as follows (in order of their preference):

  • splash like madmen
  • “make coffee” — i.e., fill a cup with bath water and say, “here mommy, here’s your coffee!”/”here, papi, coffee for you! careful papi, it’s hot!!!”
  • “make yogurt smoothie in the blender” — i.e., put a cup filled with bath water on the soap-holder-wall-unit-thingy and make very, very loud blender-motor noises for a very, very long time and say, “here mommy, yogurt smoothie!”/”here, papi, yogurt smoothie for you! it’s cold!!!”
  • pour bath water over each other’s heads and their own heads
  • play with bars of soap saying “it’s slippery” and “don’t eat it” (while putting the soap in their mouths to taste it on the sly, dropping them, and then searching for them on the bottom of the tub saying “where is is is is is is is is it?”)
  • pretend the rubber duckies are swimming, diving, jumping, splashing, etc., etc., etc.

Bathtime is fun fun fun for the whole family! đŸ˜‰

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