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Maine Coast

Posted by | June 27, 2010 | TRAVEL | 13 Comments

It was a 10.5 hour drive to Maine for Auntie Stina’s Wedding. Things did not go as planned that day and we ended up leaving much later in the morning than we had anticipated. [Long story, but the night before we had all three kids at the 24-Hour Urgent Care clinic; all three diagnosed with staph infections (CA-MRSA… for anyone who knows about this stuff, you know it is nasty!!!); prescribed 10-day rounds of antibiotics for which it took 3 different pharmacies in order to find enough of the antibiotic to fill all three prescriptions; no child got to bed before 10:30pm that night and both parents were completely spent (on top of everything else, Braydon had spent all day in Delaware that day for a venture capital conference); and, so, unfortunately, the final packing for the trip didn’t get done until the next morning.]  Anyway… it was a long drive that day. Toward the end, when things were getting really hairy, we ended up spontaneously making the decision to pull over for a couple of hours on the Maine Coast for some R&R before attempting the last 2-hour-long leg of the drive. It was around 5pm when we found our way to the beach– the magic hour. The light was gorgeous, there were hardly any other people within sight, and that time at the ocean turned out to be a really magical wonderful couple of hours for our family.


  • monek says:

    The water is sooo cold, but I am not surprised to see the boys in the thick of it. Did the water temp phase them? My daughter didn't mind it, but my son put in his feet only.

    • Heather says:

      The boys could not care less about how cold the water is! They'd be in it all day if given the chance. Meera, however, is a different story!— up to her knees is about all she could take!

  • hansenboston says:

    Great pitures! I am glad you went.

  • kris says:

    Popham Beach?

  • kendallregan says:

    All of those photos are beautiful (of course, as they feature your beautiful children!) but I have to say my favorite is Kyle running on the beach with his head thrown back laughing. He is the picture of pure, unadulterated bliss.

  • taralivesay says:

    :) great photos as always … the boys have the same shaped shoulders as Isaac … so broad for their bodies. :) Lydia wants Meera's beautiful long hair. We cannot get hers to grow.

  • kris says:

    Maine is just gorgeous! We were lucky enough to live in Yarmouth, ME for a few years before moving to Palo Alto, CA. Great photos! Beautiful family. BTW, my family and my husband's family are both from NH, so we love the New England pics. Sorry about the rough start to your trip. Hope the kiddos are feeling much better and that mom & dad got a break. K

  • dchapru says:

    Been there myself – recently – with the staph thing. Stubborn, stubborn "bug." What is it about summer that makes kids grow like giraffes? Like my grandson, your twins are beginning to look like amazing young adults. Love the water pics and the kids' joyful abandon.

  • Ani says:

    What a beautiful spot! Definitely worth the trip :-)

  • gon_hikn93 says:

    Staph is tough! But Wells Beach is great .. at least off season! Its even been a vacation spot for us.. in Maine.

  • Finn says:

    I work on Wells Beach (that jetty is a giveaway)! Really wish I'd seen you all there!

  • Megan says:

    I've been reading your blog for a loooong time. I can honestly say that the pictures of the boys in their undies in the ocean are my favorites of all the pictures I've ever seen of your kiddos!

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