Well, we woke up this morning to find out that the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case had come in: Not Guilty. I had a feeling, from the start, that this would be how it would go. I tried to prepare myself for it. Still, it was sickening to face the reality of it today.
There is no way around it: it is just gut-wrenchingly, mind-numbingly, sickening. Unlike many white parents of white children, but very much like many black parents of black children, I had talked about Trayvon’s story regularly with Kyle and Owen from the time we had first heard about his being killed and throughout the past many months. One of the privileges of whiteness and raising white kids is the ability to categorically protect the “innocence” and “naiveté” of white youth where all things race and racial and radicalized and racism are concerned. When you’re raising black boys in a culture where black boys can be killed in broad daylight and the killer can walk free… well… then, it is a whole different story. It would be ruthlessly irresponsible for us to not educate our sons and be honest with them about the way this world works. And do you know how hard that is? Do you know how hard it is to look your child in the eye and explain to them that the Trayvon Martin case verdict came back Not Guilty? If you’re white, raising white kids, then most likely, you don’t. Just imagine having to have that conversation with your precious, beautiful, full-of-potential children. It is impossibly sickening.
The fact is, what makes me most sick — as a white parent right now — is knowing how many white folks out there did not talk truthfully about the Trayvon Martin case with their white kids today. I am, after all, white. I have spent a lot of time around white people. I know, firsthand, how very privileged they are. And I know, firsthand, how very unaware they are of their privilege, and how adamantly they refuse — in a daily sort of way — to take apart their privilege. Until privilege is dismantled — in all its forms — the tragedies and travesties and truly horrific and sickening realities of being a black boy wearing a hoodie in this country won’t end. Disadvantage, injustice, racialized oppression in all forms… it is structurally embedded. Until the flip side — the white privilege — is fundamentally deconstructed, we’ll keep on having to explain to our black sons how wearing a hoodie could get them killed.
It is gut-wrenchingly, mind-numbingly, sickening.
Today, with Kyle and Owen, we discussed the Trayvon Martin case, and all that it raises, on-and-off as the boys had thoughts to share or questions to ask. They were fiery angry; they were crushingly sad; they were confused; and they wanted to know what they can do to make it different in this world. I don’t know the answers— especially to that last one. The best I came up with today was to look them straight in the eyes, with tears in mine, and tell them: “Boys, this is what you can do: first, you can go ahead and have as absolutely GREAT a life as possible in spite of all this! And second, you can figure out how to use your life to make things better.”

{Owen & Kyle, yesterday, out for brunch}
So, today, despite the pit in my stomach and the lump in my throat, we went to the beach and body surfed huge waves. We had a fabulous picnic lunch on the sand. We searched for shark’s teeth brought in by the surf, and we found 26 of them. We watched the last couple innings of the Red Sox game. We ate dinner together, and we put our kids to bed. And we talked here-and-there about this gut-wrenchingly, mind-numbingly, sickeningly horrific topic of Trayvon Martin’s killing and his murderer’s privilege to walk free. And I wished, hoped, and prayed — about a hundred million times today — that somehow, against all odds, that somehow, someway, my two precious and beautiful black boys, who are just so full of potential, will be able to make it through this life without being killed because of their race. And I wished things were different. But they aren’t. So, we’re going to have to keep talking and talking and talking with them about the brutal reality of life in the here and now. So, today ended up a reminder of just that: how vigilant we have to be — as parents — about being truthful and honest with our kids about the state of affairs in this place where we find ourselves living.
If you are black, you can say whatever you want about all this. But if you are white, be very careful about what you say to my face. To my face, be sure not to tell me that I’m “over-reacting” or being “hyper-sensitive” or “making more of it than it is.” Until you’re black, or are raising a black boy in this country, you’ll never know this kind of fear and trepidation. So, be very careful about how you react to it. Instead, I’d urge everyone who cares at all about any of this to face the realities head-on and to “force honest and painful discussions.”
In my opinion, the best thing I’ve read today on the subject of the Trayvon Martin verdict is this piece by the sociologist Larry Bobo: http://mobile.theroot.com/articles/culture/2013/07/why_the_zimmerman_jury_failed_us.html
The only thing that I’ve written about the Trayvon Martin case, before now, was this blog post from March of 2012:http://johnson-mccormick.com/2012/03/and-you-wonder-why-i-dress-my-boys-the-way-i-do/

Words are utterly inadequate to describe how heart breaking and how terrifying this is. It has to be agony to take innocence away from these beautiful boys, but absolutely necessary. And even so, there is no way to guarantee their safety.
Anger at such a cruel world is pointless but impossible to avoid and has to be turned into constructive action. Despair is just as debilitating and yet it’s what I feel today.
PREACH…”until you’re black, or are raising a black boy in this country, you’ll never know this kind of fear and trepidation.”
I so admire you, your honestly and the love you and your husband… heck, your family has for K&O (and Ms. Meera). You’re doing what a lot of us black parents are doing – crying, having serious talks with our boys about how to conduct themselves in way that will get them home safely at night and praying, praying, praying (and hoping) that they be given a chance to live, to love and to live their dreams.
Standing with you guys tonight, my heart breaks.
Amen! You’ve said it all Heather.
Heather, you’ve written so eloquently about something so painful, and no doubt you’ll get negative comments, but your voice is so important. As soon as I heard the verdict I felt full of shame and concern for my friends, and your boys, and for the kids I work with who, unlike their white Australian peers, are so aware of what’s happened, when they really shouldn’t have to be.
But mostly I want to say that my heart hurts, because I looked at the last photo and worried about how tall Owen looked, and that automatic negative response to someone growing up big and strong, is just the worst.
Thank you, Heather, for once again articulating so well what I am feeling. I tried a couple of times to talk to Joe about the verdict yesterday but he was way too excited about his sleepover with his cousin to worry about anything else – which is a wonderful thing. I will keep trying though because I have to.
As a qualitative researcher I have to say that none of us were privvy to the data that were presented to the jury, how the jury deliberated, what they weighed as important, and how they came to their decision. Both sets of attorneys selected the jury, both sets of attorneys presented what they felt was important and we saw snippets of that, but none of us know what transpired in the jury room and thus we are, unfortunately, limited, in what we are able to say. We may not like the outcome, myself included, but our armchair was outside the jury room. It may be that years from now we will see the complete transcripts (which themselves do not tell us how the decision was made) but for now as a qualitative researcher who has been teaching doctoral students how to analyze their data for over a decade I have to stand back and put my biases, preconceptions, and personal beliefs aside until I have had an opportunity to learn how the jury made its decision.
We are, now. Did you see the juror on Anderson Cooper? If not, brace yourself and prepare to be shocked and disappointed.
I think it is important to sit back and see what happens before we believe the juror who spoke with Anderson Cooper. We are learning that she is a loose cannon. She secured a book contract and is voicing her opinions that she has said represent the group of jurors. Four of the jurors are now distancing themselves from her. Let’s wait to see what comes of the civil suit.
Sadly, there are no winners in this tragedy. One life lost, and another scarred forever. But, the truth is that Trayvon was not simply gunned down and murdered. Yes, he was wrongly racial profiled, but the gun never came into play until Trayvon began brutally beating the crap out of Mr. Zimmerman (pounding his head on the pavement), and at that time it was used as a means of self defense for Mr. Zimmerman. The way you portray it is that Mr. Zimmerman just went up to an innocent boy and shot him in cold blood and that is not how it went down. And, in case you are wondering, yes, I happen to be a proud black mother. I talk to my kids all the time, and educate them on all topics including this one, however, I do not believe in instilling a constant state of fear in them. I also do not think it is fair for you to assume that white parents are not talking to their white children about this topic, for among my white friends, I know for a fact that they already have. Thanks for sharing your view as a white mother raising black sons. Bless you and your family.
How do you know that zimmerman was BRUTALLY beaten by Trayvon, were you there…? did you see it??? Idiotic and moronic comments like this is why “you’ll never know this kind of fear and trepidation” and so, be very careful about how you react to it— and yes I am a white woman.
There was an eye witness that reported that he saw T on top of G beating him. And please check your anger and hate at the door because that certainly doesn’t help matters.
Here also is an article I found useful to helping me process this:
I have read a few things in mainstream press that talk about how calling for a black member of the jury (at least one!?!) was wrong given that Zimmerman was on trial, not Martin, and so it was indeed a trial of his (Zimmerman’s peers), which is the intention behind the law. But Kelley points out how in fact it became about black violence: Trayvon Martin was on trial. These laws were written presuming that minorities would be the criminal defendants not the victims, and indeed, even when they are the legal victims, that victim status does not erase the way that racial identity continues to render them less-than-victims.
My boy is a dark brown Arab boy with black curly hair — hence he is read as “Black” in the USA. And he is also Muslim. What is his future I wonder?
Amen Sister. Thank you for saying so eloquently what my heart is feeling.
You have put into words what I have been feeling all day. I have had a talk with Saul before this, I don’t know if he remembers it since his illness however. It makes me ill to think that that man is going free ! And again that my son and many others have to worry about walking down a street at dusk or and other time of the day .
many other feelings are running around in my brain but wow!
Well said. As a black female I would love to meet you you. Share a cup of tea and just shootmthe breeze. Your boys are blessed to have you as their mother.
Guilty. Me. Of thoughtlessness.
Thank you, Heather. You have caused me to think.
We all bring our own biases to every situation, event, or discussion we engage in or witness. When we come to the table to talk, we do not come alone; we bring our own history. Your post has caused me to think that I have been too willing to excuse myself from the table on this one. For me (and my biases and my history), it was too confused and muddled and uncertain from the first I heard of it. So I essentially pushed my chair back from the table and excused myself.
Some of my biases have grown, if they not been given birth to, in my line of work. For example, I know (as in direct-been-there-seen-it knowledge) that often (1) what happened and what is reported in the media are not the same, and (2) a person’s standard about what is right or wrong can be very different than what the law allows for or deems punishable.
Prior to today, I’ve read tweets from Trayvon’s parents…and from persons who diasagree with the verdict…and from persons who disagree with the fact that charges were even brought. (There are people on both sides of this issue with various shades of skin color.) And what I knew about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman got blended up with my own biases and history…and what came out was a too-big helping of thoughtlessness. I thought it was too complex, too confusing, too difficult to nail down a “right answer”, so I gave the whole thing less thought than it deserves.
Today I read your post, Heather. And I read the article you linked by Mr. Bobo. And I read this piece,
And this piece,
There are statements made that I agree with and disagree with.
But it deserves more thought on my part. And more discussion in my family. And your post helped me see that. Thank you.
I thought of you and your boys during this whole mess. It is so frustrating to continually yell into the winds of white privilege and I clearly don’t like this feeling of powerlessness. Thank you for the suggested readings.
Thank you, Heather. As the mother of children of color, I share your need to educate them on racial issues. However, I would not want my children to fear for their lives every time a white person approaches them. Yes, they could (will) very well be racially profiled in the future -they are still very young-, but telling them that any person out there could carry a gun and target them to kill them is not how I would approach this topic when they are older. Trayvon Martin should be alive today and Zimmerman should not have been acquitted. But I resist telling my kids that they should be afraid and angry -as I am- about the verdict because that would mean indoctrinating them in a culture of hatred -which is where a lot of us humans live. We can teach children how complicated our world is and the things we can do to try to bring about change, but not out of fear or anger, rather out of civil responsibility. I am the daughter of a politically exiled person, and I experienced first-hand how debilitating it is to be raised in fear and hatred. I would like the children of all races to learn that they must change the world because we are all responsible for what happens in it, not because people hate or fear the color of our skin.
I was a privileged white teenager in an all white suburb of over 70,000, but that was almost 60 years ago. I did stupid things from time to time that could have put me in a dangerous situation but fortunately I was lucky enough to avoid being caught. In my situation I was not without company in those “adventures”, though there was no gang involvement. I know my experience was not unique. I have exchanged experiences with many male colleagues of different racial backgrounds and find most shared lucky avoidance as a common experience. Growing up is a risky enterprise for us all. Most of us do dumb things while going through it. Neighbourhood Watches have become a frequent defence of hearth and home in hopes of providing quiet enjoyment. Armed “Watchers” are a reality and provocative activity by anyone has become more dangerous. I wasn’t there when the shooting occurred. Not being present does not give anyone the right to assume what someone else did, supporting evidence notwithstanding. George Zimmerman could just as easily been a black neighbourhood watch member with the same outcome but no racial furore. He could also have been a vigilante looking for an excuse but the evidence does not see to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.
Wow, Heather. This post is so heartfelt. Your boys are lucky they are being raised by parents as thoughtful as you both. I have great faith they will reach their limitless potential. Like Kim, I am another black woman who would love to buy you a cup of coffee.
It just saddens me that so much anger, hate and fear has resulted from this verdict. I wonder if Zimmerman and Martin were both of the same race (both Latino or both Black) if this same hate and anger would have resulted. I somehow doubt it.
I am not taking sides, however , I am praying for peace and love for ALL involved.
Yes it would.
Black on Black crimes rarely make headlines, but they are sadly far more common than Black on White ,or even White on Black crimes. I hate that this case has turned into a race hate situation. And yes I agree if both were Black or Hispanic, none of this would have made the news.
My son is black and I have 2 black nieces and one black nephew, all 4 are Haitian. My heart breaks and my mind is filled with fear for them. I understand what you are saying. My son Josue, my nieces Ketlove & Bebe and my nephew Wisler, are all wonderful, brilliant, great young people ranging in age from 12 to my son who is 31. I pray God protects them all . I have never been so angry and yet so sad over an verdict. I pray for Trevons family, for yours and all the others of any race that has to fear such things.
This is one of the best brief commentaries I have seen on this case – and I am curious what you think!
We stand together.
Thank you so much for this. Everyone keeps trying to say that this case wasn’t about race, but the fact is, Zimmerman thought Trayvon was suspicious because he was black. If he hadn’t let his bias color his judgement, he wouldn’t have stalked and killed a teenager who was just walking home. There are already so many issues facing all youths, but especially black boys. I am sick of people acting as if these issues aren’t real. A child similar to mine was killed for defending himself against someone that was following him, and the killer goes unpunished. If you don’t have a black son, you have no idea how utterly terrifying that is. I don’t want to raise him to be constantly afraid, but it is my responsibility as a parent to make him aware of the type of world we live in.
Thanks for this deep and meaningful post. My thoughts are with everyone, who is ashamed and hurt by this verdict. Believe me, it gets an lot of media attention here in Germany as well (and nobody can understand it, nobody).
If you haven’t read this http://www.rageagainsttheminivan.com/2013/07/what-i-want-you-to-know-about-being.html, you absolutely should!
I think what saddens me the most is that people both black and white can not or will not admit that GZ thought Trayvon was suspicious because he was black. It is the reality for MOST black males (and females at times). I find it odd that so many want to excuse GZ responsibility in the choices HE made that night, which LED to Trayvon being murdered.
Did GZ fear for his life, I believe he did. That however does not negate the FACT that HE followed Trayvon, not the other way around.
He approached this child…in a manner that I’m sure probably was NOT friendly (given his statements to the 911 operator) and then it seems got his ass handed to him by Trayvon…making him fear for his life.
As far as the jury, what exactly does a jury of your peers mean…same racial background, same social standing…what exactly?
The defense knew what they were doing in my opinion, in THIS country non-black people are conditioned to believe black men are brutes. They are savages. I truly believe they believed GZ feared for his life because THEY believed the stereotype that black men are inherently dangerous.
I am a mother of brown men and boys. We have had the “you are black in America” conversation (years before the murder of Trayvon) and yes they have fear, given our history should they not?
This is a really thoughtful article by Questlove about being thought of as dangerous. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/07/questlove-trayvon-martin-and-i-aint-shit.html
In case you are not familiar with the jury selection process, BOTH sides had equal input in the selection process. It did not end up being a one race jury chosen only by the defense.
As a white mother, I do talk to my son and daughter about these issues. I talk about the racially motivated crime of a black man who murdered a white baby in front of his mother (and the media was silent); I talk about how white girls are targeted by Middle Eastern men and are harrassed/raped simply because the men believe that being a white girl=slut; I talk about how Jeremiah MacKay (white) was murdered by Christopher Dorner (black) only because Jeremiah was white.
And I could go on and on and on with my examples of PoC on White crimes, but funnily, these cases never gain the popularity that the Trayvon Martin case did.
I care about my children just as much as you do, and I want them to grow up in a safe environment, but that isn’t so. However, I do understand the pain that you and Martin’s family must feel, but the road isn’t a one way, and Martin wasn’t innocent; it wasn’t just like Zimmerman saw a Black kid and chose to shoot him.
Amen. Well said, Jennifer.
I don’t understand how this comment could have passed Heather’s censors about what is and is not appropriate to post. Presumably racist statements are inappropriate. The examples given above about “black” and “white” racially-motivated crimes refer to particular incidents. However, it seems okay to state that “Middle Eastern men” harass and rape white girls, painting an entire group with a single brush! I know that this is what the mainstream media tells us but if you examine this statement in a broader context of harassment and rape statistics you would find that “Middle Eastern men” are not more guilty of these crimes than men of other geographic/ethnic/religious groups.
Azeezah, I decided to just post the stuff that came in on this so that everyone could see how HORRIFYING some of it is. I’m sorry for the inappropriateness of it. I have no idea who the commenter is, if he/she reads regularly or not, etc. Yes, I normally trash the trashy comments that come in to this blog. But here I thought I’d just let it be seen so that my readers could know what I’m up against. This post — “The Trayvon Martin Verdict” went a little bit viral. It got over 2,800 individual hits within the first few hours of me posting it, it is popping up on Facebook, and it is being re-posted on various sites (where they can just take it and post it without ever even notifying me)… so it is 100% out of my control. Sometimes this happens and I’ve learned to live with it. I somehow have to find a way to just let it be out there, even with all the nastiness swirling around. I’m sorry if I let you down in letting this appear. I hope you can understand my reasoning. I’m just so tired of the nasty, deeply offensive comments. I’ve decided here that transparency is the best tactic to take. ~Heather
Horrifying is correct. I am in a bubble of sane people, and I forget that some folks are clueless. Keep your head up, Heather!!
Personally I think G should have remained in his car and just let the authorities handle the “suspicious behavior.” With that said, when T apparently got pissed at G and started beating on him, I don’t think G had any choice in the end, but to defend himself if he wanted to make it out alive. T wasn’t killed because he was “suspicious”looking. He was tragically killed thru self defense because he was beating the life out of G. If T didnt attack G, he would still be alive today. So lets not just blame G in this. Both were wrong. Yes, G was guilty of not leaving the questioning up to the police, but T didnt sit there innocently. It is likely that he would have beaten G to death if G didnt have that gun to stop him. G was crying out for help first but no one came. Let us teach out kids not to react so violently in the future. Stop perpetuating the hate, people. It really won’t help matters. It’s a tragedy for both sides. The jury has spoken.
I am a black woman and have had so many feelings about this case, but I completely agree with your comment Kris. While I wish GZ had stayed in his car and let police handle the situation, I also wish that TM chose not to fight GZ, no matter how upset that he may have been that GZ was following him. I’m sad that so much hate and misunderstanding has come from this.
Also agree with above commenter Jennifer who talked about person of color/white crimes. There are many that occur, yet remain unknown to the public. The loss of ANY life is EQUALLY TERRIBLE, no matter what color.
“Until you’re black, or are raising a black boy in this country, you’ll never know this kind of fear and trepidation.”-This line summed it up perfectly. Thank you Heather.
Then maybe some black parents need to teach their black sons to be less aggressive and not to violently beat up on people. Use your words, not your fists. Stay alive.
With all due respect, instructing an entire group of people, especially in that tone, on how to raise their children is incredibly demeaning and offensive.
Thank you for posting this. After getting over the shock and the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach that lasted for days, I am now just in awe of the horrible racist comments I’ve seen all over the place. It’s as if the “not guilty” verdict is an excuse for some people to go all out and say whatever racist thing comes to their mind! It’s like it okay’d and validated their racist thinking…ugh! I’ve been avoiding Facebook all day because yesterday’s postings by people were just horrendous. I am at a loss for what to even say to these people who don’t realize their privilege and entitlement, and unfortunately with FB and much of the internet, it’s a downhill battle.
Heather, your thoughts are insightful. Your sons, and daughter, are being well served by your wisdom, common sense, and parenting. With support like that, there’s no reason why they should not thrive and be successful as they grow older and into adulthood. Many young people in our society do not see color just like they do not see sexual preference/orientation. (albeit that’s less obvious) As we move through time, I’m hopeful that our world will become less racist and more accepting.
Heather (and anyone else who is interested) when you get time please take some time to watch this video. I know your kiddos are probably too young for his music but I’ve listened to Brother Ali for about 5-6yrs now.
He’s blind (legally), he’s white, and he’s rapper who is a human rights activist.
I think he breaks it down on how many people of color feel about Trayvon and how brown people are treated in America.
…and to Kristen Smith, thank you for saying what I couldn’t in a polite way to KC. Thank you
For Heather and those of you that feel that trayvon was completely innocent of any wrongdoing in this situation, I have a question:
If George Z. did not have a gun on him that day,and Trayvon ended up beating him to death in response to being verbally questioned by George, would you feel that Trayvon was justified in doing so??
Thanks Heather and others for sharing your viewpoints.
Hate is never the answer. Lets all try to focus on love and peace instead.
Kendra, I don’t necessarily feel that Trayvon was “completely innocent of any wrongdoing in this situation.” I’m not sure one way or another. But Trayvon was not on trial. Trayvon is dead. What we do know is that he was a teenage boy, walking on a sidewalk, when he started being followed. The person on trial was Zimmerman. The question was about Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence, not Trayvon’s. In the end it is us all who are guilty– guilty of taking part (on purpose or by default) in the social construction of race and racism… structurally, individually, and on every micro- and macro- level. We (all) need to find a way out of this. Push the horizons, challenge ourselves, face reality, and change who we are so that we can change the world… for the better. The worst tragedy of all would be if we did not learn, and change, from the Trayvon Martin case/verdict/story/death. ~heather
Heather, I think Kendra was actually looking for an answer to her question rather than just to be told the obvious, that since Trayvon is dead and therefore was not part of the trial.
To answer Kendra’s question specifically, I personally don’t feel as though Trayvon ( or anyone for that matter) would be justified in beating anyone to death with his fists. And, I happen to be a loving and fiercely proud Black momma to four beautiful Black sons.
If George was also Black, this case would never have made the news just like all the other Black on Black crimes that sadly always get swept under the radar and rarely make news. I feel its a sad sad case all around, for ALL involved.
I do not want to raise my boys in a constant state of fear and/or paranoia that White people are out to get them, nor do I want them developing unnecessary anger and hate towards all White people. I am raising them to be kind and respectful boys. And of course, every night I pray for peace and safety.
@ Azezah
So it’s ok to make the Trayvon Martin case about race just because he’s black and Zimmerman is white? Don’t you see the hypocrisy in your statements? You basically said the following:
White on PoC crimes=racism
PoC on White crimes= neutral, nothing to do with racism
This sort of logic makes me go insane, and it’s why I bother to comment on such posts, the hypocrisy is astounding, maddening and it must be pointed out!
Heather, I appreciate this post and you know I’m in your corner.
Another good read for us white people:
George should not have followed Trayvon. He should have left any questioning and pursuit up to the authorities after reporting the suspicious behavior. Trayvon should not have beaten and bashed George’s head into the pavement. George acted in self defense to save his life. Anyone would have done anything they could to defend themselves against getting beaten to death. I don’t know anyone that would lay still allow someone to beat them to a pulp. George tried to stop him and even cried out for help, all before shooting one shot that tragically ended Trayvon’s life. This was not a black vs white issue. George isn’t even white. So ppl stop making it a race issue. Trayvon had a choice. He didnt have to beat up a man. Clearly T had no idea G had a gun on him or maybe he would have kept walking.
I wanted to add that if George had walked up to Trayvon and simply shot him just for walking thru his neighborhood, he should have been convicted for murder. But that is not what happened. Self defense is not murder.
I live in the state of Florida…although further south than the home of Not Guilty verdicts of Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman….both make me ill! I am a white female and made friends with two men of color in DC (when I lived there) I tell you this because I had just returned from Ikea with some household items and one very large mirror. When I saw Omar and Anthony (both originally from Kentucky) I was so happy….help had arrived. They were returning from the gym and were more than happy to help me….well I find out later….after we became friends that they were shocked that a white woman, alone, would ask them for help getting something to her apartment. Both are professionals, handsome guys…who told me while walking down the street together woman hold their purses closer to themselves….wow….a real eye opener. I saw two guys that lived in my building ….not looking at color, but looking at their faces. Believe me if they were white or black and looked like gang bangers or bad characters, I would not have asked. As the president said a few days ago….he has experienced the same treatment….car doors locking, etc. I can only hope and pray that the more families are blended…the less hate will be out there….love your blog and adorable kids!