Last night Kyle and Owen had their first real, full-fledged, official sleepover. It was a sort of monumental occasion.
For a very long time, Kyle and Owen never asked for — or even seemed interested in — a sleepover with a friend. After all, when every night of your life is a slumber party with your best friend, there isn’t a whole lot of internal motivation for a sleepover of the official non-family-member-friend variety. But things are different now, because… drumroll please… K & O have their first Best Friend.
I don’t know if this is developmental (maybe it is the norm for super-tight, same-sex twins like Kyle and Owen to take a long while before being ready for a ‘Best Friend’?), or if it was the change of schools (at K & O’s new school there are a lot more kids who are socially their speed), or if it is just a matter of finally finding the right person? They’ve always been the most popular boys in their class, but have never had that classic one best friend… until now. All I know is that this friendship was a long time coming. And I’m very glad, for my boys, that it is finally here.
They met Dean on the first day of school this year and it was instant friendship. I knew this kid must be really special — it takes a very special person to be able to be best friends with a pair of twins. And when I met Dean I could see the connection. He is an extremely bright, hold-his-own, quick-wit, rough-and-tumble kid. He seems unfazed and undaunted by being best friends with a set of twins — let alone this particular set of twins. He has eagerly fostered this friendship with Kyle and Owen and seems just as monumentally excited about it as they do. They are quite the threesome.
They’ve been begging for a sleepover. We’ve had a few playdates, and our families have gotten together a couple of times, and it was time for it to happen. Last night was the night. It was everything they had hoped it would be! Sports, sports, sports; pizza and a movie; talking and goofing off late into the night; and breakfast this morning at the Waffle House. They didn’t get much sleep, but had loads of fun. Exactly as it should be for a good sleepover.