So, this is Lehigh-Lafayette weekend. The climax of Lehigh-Lafayette Week. Which means all sorts of things. If you ask, most students will tell you that “Lehigh-Laf” is the “best week of the year.” “Better than Christmas!” “Better than Hanukkah!” I’ve even heard, “Better than Spring Break!” I’ve asked lots of them about this, because it sort of intrigues me. I mean, I get it — it is a week-long party. But, really? The best week of the year? When I ask them why, over and over students tell me the same thing: they say it’s the best week of the year “because everyone is happy.” A week long happy party — that’s what Lehigh-Laf is. Living here we see it in full swing.
Before we had even moved onto campus we had already strategized that we’d plan to always go away for Lehigh-Laf Weekend. Last year we did (see that post here). But this year, with this weekend falling right before Thanksgiving Break, and after having survived over a year of living on campus and navigating the party scene pretty successfully, we felt confident about sticking it out and staying on campus for the weekend. Our logic was that if we are going to be here for Sunday through Thursday nights of Lehigh-Laf Week, then we may as well just ride it out and stay for the weekend too. So, we took a chance and decided to stay for the weekend.
This year the game was at home. And while we go to just about every home football game, we have yet to feel ready to go to Lehigh-Lafayette. Our idea was to just lay low and roll through the weekend. So, when the guys from the fraternity house directly behind where we live asked us to take care of their dog Molly for the weekend, we said, “Sure! Why not?” and promptly added Dog-Sitting-Molly to our Lehigh-Laf Weekend Plan.
Molly is a puppy the same age as Dash. There are very few dogs on campus, but it has been known to be true that a few fraternities do have ‘house dogs.’ Over the fall we’ve gotten to know some of the SigEp guys as we’ve bonded over our puppies. We’re especially fond of Molly’s official owner, a great student who is an unusually responsible and mature sophomore. Molly and Dash are BFFs who love nothing more than to run around together at mach speed on the Sayre Lawn.
We knew it would be crazy to add a second dog to our mix, but we also knew it would be a good distraction as we hunkered down for the weekend. And, honestly, I was pretty impressed that the SigEp guys were confident enough to ask us to help out with Molly– and I wanted to encourage that growing friendship on campus between a fraternity and a professor’s family. It isn’t everyday that a professor is dog-sitting for a fraternity’s puppy for Lehigh-Laf Weekend. But this is what real community is all about: you help each other out with stuff like this.
I have to admit, as crazy as it has been (we were right: adding another dog to the mix just takes the crazy to a whole other level), it has been really fun to have Molly with us for the weekend.
Although, last night, after we finally got the kids to bed, and were at long last sitting down to watch an episode of Breaking Bad (yes, we are just watching it now, and yes, we are 100% addicted), Braydon was not entirely thrilled with the insanity that was the ridiculous-non-stop-puppy-play.
Similarly, we were not entirely thrilled with the jumping-all-over-our-bed-to-get-us-up-and-let-them-out which was our 6am wake-up call. But it is pretty fun to watch Dash with his best friend. They could chase each other for hours (and have this weekend).
The bambinos, of course, have loved every minute of it. Here they are right before they headed out with the dogs for a walk in the woods:
Finally, by this afternoon, both pups were completely exhausted. This was them while we had the Lehigh-Laf football game on tv in our apartment:
It has been a really fun, unusual, and sweet way to spend Lehigh-Lafayette Weekend on campus.
There is nothing that is quite equal to puppy sitting. It brings out the best in everyone because it is so much fun to watch puppies play with one another. Enjoy all the commotion.
Well, now. It could have gone either way. Are they the same sex? I have two females who, initially would fight each other to the death while the other, younger female, found a slick way of flipping the older female and pinning her down until the older, alpha was calm and gave up, even though the older dog was so angry she would often break skin and rip out teeth. Some doggers are just more advanced, intellectually!
I’m not sure I would have been brave enough to accept another dog into a space where one dog dominated, but don’t you feel fortunate I didn’t write this before you took this on? Good for you for accepting another dog for a few days.
There is nothing quite like dogs playing together. Ours are so entertaining.