I’m going to take a couple of weeks break, away from the blog.
Thank you to everyone who continues to read this here old blog. I am continually humbled and flattered to think that people actually are interested enough in our little life to read along. Thank you sincerely.
See ya in 2014!
Merry Christmas JM family, thanks for continuing to share your life, and your perspective with us Heather.
xxx Nicola
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family! Enjoy every minute with them! We are “enjoying” a huge amount of rain in Toledo, Ohio right now!
What a poignant post.
For a number of years I’ve had students living with me because I live very close to one of the only English colleges in my city. Though I look forward to the departure of “my” students for at least 2 weeks in order to enjoy my entire home again mainly because I no longer have to keep my (rock) music turned way down low, I miss the students as they go home to enjoy which is for many, the only trip home in the entire year.
ON THE OTHER HAND, and there is a 2nd hand, I always feel somewhat verklempt when I read on your blog that the Johnson-McCormick family is taking a blog break (as if you could just keep on posting for my personal amusement, 24/7).
Thank you for all the wonderful shares of your private life this year. I particularly followed and learned so much about your visit to the Magnolia Plantation which I read through several times and went on to research independently. Major revelation.
I cannot believe how the bambinos have grown this year (Meera is barely recognizable) and your lives, Heather and Braydon, have moved forward into some parallel universe you didn’t acknowledge when first you undertook this lifestyle.
Wishing you more unusual adventures in 2014 and we’ll certainly miss you for the next few weeks.
Hold each other close, till we meet again.
Merry Christmas,
Carol in Ottawa