K & O got creative this year. They’ve got that whole twin-thing working for them in a big way. They finally figured out that if they split up the requests, they could each get two gifts —instead of one — out of the deal. They couldn’t decide between Star Wars lightsabers (not just any old lightsabers — they have those — they want the ones that make sounds), and Nike Elite socks. After much deliberation, scheming, and plotting, they came up with their grand plan: divide and conquer! And Kyle determined that if he was going to ask for 2 lightsabers, then he might as well ask for 3 so that Meera could join in the lightsaber action too. Kyle’s letter: “Dear Santa, Can you please give me three lightsabers that make lightsaber noises? From Kyle to Santa.”

Owen decided that 10 pair of Nike Elite socks was a good number to ask for. Originally he wrote 100, then erased that and wrote 50, but then settled on 10 after Kyle talked him down (“Owen! Santa will think we’re GREEDY!! Ten is PLENTY!!!!”). Owen’s letter: “Dear Santa, I would like 10 new brand new Nike Elite socks for me and my brother. Please. Isn’t my handwriting getting better every year? Answer in my stocking please. Love, Owen.”

Meera is in all for herself — no joint-asking-for-gifts from this girl. She was 100% oblivious to (and/or — most probably — determinedly and purposefully uninterested in) her brothers’ divide-and-conquer scheme. Meera’s letter: “Dear Santa, I want a playhouse with toy food and a kitchen. And also two chairs. I hope that your elves can do it. I want to serve the food. Love, Meera.”
Meera’s drawing is of Santa, in his sleigh, with a sack of presents (wrapped, with bows), and the reindeer (complete with jingle bells on the reigns). Note that Rudolph even has a red nose. And Santa is even sporting the classic Santa belt and hat. These sorts of drawings just amaze Braydon and me… we are unaccustomed to such a thing coming from a child of ours… Meera’s level of detail in her drawings has already far surpassed her big brothers’. And yet Kyle and Owen’s duo-scheming and double-charming and spirited-twinny-chess-game-like-mentality is something we stand in awe of each and every day. That’s the thing: each and every one of them is unique and interesting and special in their own way. Strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses and strengths. And that’s the cool thing about Santa: he gets that, and appreciates that. Santa reminds them, and we remind them too (very, very often): they are not expected to be perfect, they are simply expected to do their best. And their best is good enough. For us, and for Santa.
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
For the past 5 years of the bambinos’ Santa letters, click here.
I know I am commenting late but I read these ages ago without time to comment! I love these letters and looks like Santa did a great job delivery ;)!!
– Kate