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A morning in the tree house

Posted by | November 14, 2014 | BAMBINOS | 4 Comments


The second half of last week Heather was out of town at a conference for work.  The kids had Friday off from school and I took the day off too.  We watched a family movie on Thursday night to kick off the weekend.

On Saturday morning, I had planned to have lunch in the treehouse. When the rest of our plans got switched around it turned into breakfast. And breakfast meant the muffins Heather had made.

The funny thing was that in the morning, all three kids had no interest in going to the tree house and actively resisted.  Now, I say it was interesting like that’s somehow unusual that they would resist a suggestion.  It’s not – it’s only unusual that I would be the one making the suggestion and putting into action. I did eventually drag them out there and guess what?  They LOVED it.  Every second.  You can see it.


In our life, Heather has the role of Program Planner. That means she takes on all the coordination of what we do – socializing, activities, things like packing breakfast for a tree house picnic. That’s layered on top of her overwhelming work (I saw her calendar for the last week – 30min-2hour meetings back to back, without break from the start of the day until the end – oh yes, and teaching 200 students, serving on committees, and planning her next book). That layered on top of being responsible for our food and school care.  It’s truly the second (and maybe third and fourth) shift that she takes.  I don’t even know if that really captures it.

I am very lucky.  I am lucky that I get to have the whole package – a wife with an important career (I love that) and I a wife who gives us a rich, filling, healthy life (and I love that too).  On the off-occasion that I am the program planner, I get a little glimpse into her world.

When I look at this picture, and I see the delight of these three of having that breakfast in the tree house, what I see is how lucky I am for what Heather has given us.

A day in the tree house having muffins is so much more than that. It’s the accumulation of effort of 10 years of love. A brief note of recognition and appreciation.

There is no particular reason I posted this, other than sometimes, for those of us who are less expressive than we should be, it needs to be said.


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