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Sick Days and Food Production

Posted by | March 16, 2015 | BAMBINOS | 4 Comments


Last month I wrote about feeding Owen on snow days (Snow Days and Food Production).

Well, today is a sick day for Owen. He’s home from school with a bad head cold. Owen HATES missing school, so he fights hard when we tell him he has to stay home. He rarely gets sick, but when he does, it hits him hard. So, today he lost the battle, and home he is. Sitting on the couch all energy-less and miserable. And I’m home with him.

Despite being sick (just the looks and sounds of him today are enough to make me lose my own appetite, so the fact that he even wants to eat is pretty unbelievable to me), here is what he ate this morning for “breakfast”:

  • 2 scrambled eggs with cheese
  • 2 english muffins with butter and cinnamon-sugar (2 whole english muffins; as in 4 halves)
  • 2 Nutri-Grain cereal bars
  • the fruit pictured above
  • large smoothie, which contained 1 banana, 1 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup greek yogurt, orange juice
  • 1 glass of whole milk
  • 2 glasses of OJ

He’s now having a late-morning snack… Pirate’s Booty. I’m sure he’ll eat the entire large bag. In fact, in the time it has taken me to write this post, he probably already has. Oh, and a 3rd glass of OJ.

Just now, when I was responding to his “I’M SOOOOOO HUNGRY!” by giving him the OJ and the bag of Pirate’s Booty, he said to me, “Mom, I feel bad that you had to cancel all your meetings for today because of me.” I said, “Oh, don’t worry about that sweetie.” He responded with, “I know you’re missing your work work, but just think of this as home work.” Oh, don’t worry buddy, I do, I definitely do.


  • Gail McCormick says:

    I’ll bet he could down several quarts of chicken soup too. Sure hope you don’t get it!

  • Gloria says:

    That’s incredible! I can only imagine packing his lunch for a full school day – I’m picturing something along the lines of a huge camping cooler!

  • kj says:

    Holy cow! My kids are big eaters but his appetite is unbelievable. You probably spend more on food than I make each year!

  • Ani says:

    Their apoetite is just amazing! He had more food at breakfast than we probably eat in a full day :) lord help you when they are 16… You might need a second fridge to keep all that food!!!!

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