This is Owen’s current favorite breakfast.
He came up with the idea a couple of months ago. We were in Providence, Rhode Island for an AAU basketball tournament. It was late afternoon and we were driving back to the hotel after a day of games in which he had really played his heart out. In the car we were all remarking together on the fact that there are so many Dunkin’ Donuts in New England (a conversation we have frequently when we’re in the car in New England). Braydon pulled off at a Dunkin’ drive-through to get coffee, and Owen was eyeing the drive-through menu from the back seat. Suddenly he was “desperately hungry” (what else is new?!), and asked if he could get what was listed as a “Wake-Up Wrap.” Braydon ordered it for him.
And then my Foodie Son did something that makes this Foodie Mom so proud!!! He immediately began a Foodie Stream of Consciousness Critique of the Dunnkin’ Wake-Up Wrap. It went something like this:
“Hmmm… this thing is actually not bad. Hmmm… actually, this thing is pretty good. Hmmm… I bet if Mom made this she could make it actually really good. You know what? Mom, if you made it with a real fried egg? And more than just one tiny slice of bacon? And made it real bacon? And made sure the tortilla was really soft? It would actually be totally good. What would make this awesome is guacamole. If it had guacamole on it, that would be really good. And why do they call this a wrap? This is a type of taco.”
I heard this running commentary and knew right then and there that I would work on perfecting this thing for him. It has now become a regular breakfast for Owen. The rest of us really like it too!
- Eggs
- Tortillas
- Guacamole (I have found that buying the “mini” single packs is well worth it for this, because you don’t need to use much guacamole if you’re only making a couple at a time)
- Cheese (Owen prefers this with white American; the rest of us prefer it with cheddar)
- BaconTO DO:
- Cook the bacon (you’ll want 2-3 slices per taco)
- Fry up the eggs (1 egg per taco)
- Place 1 tortilla on a plate, with cheese on one side (1 slice American; similar amount for cheddar). Microwave for 10-20 seconds just to heat cheese through and soften the tortilla
- Assemble: spread guacamole on the other half of the tortilla (the half that doesn’t have cheese), place fried egg on top of cheese, bacon on top of egg, then fold so that the guacamole side layers on top of the bacon
- There’s your “Owen’s Breakfast Taco!” Enjoy!
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