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Please Touch Museum & Milestone: Rice (!)

Posted by | December 30, 2006 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Today we spent the afternoon in Philadelphia at the Please Touch Museum. Owen and Kyle loved it so much that they BOTH threw mega-tantrums when the museum closed at 5:00 and we had to leave. That’s always a real pleasure: double tantrums. Luckily for us, it is a very rare occurance. Luckily for us, we can each take one thrashing/kicking/screaming bambino. We don’t know how single parents of multiples do it, and our hearts really go out to them. One of the very best parts of the Please Touch Museum is the racial/ethnic diversity of this museum’s visitors. Today our experience there was one of the most racially integrated experiences I/we have ever had. For our family, that alone is well worth the trip. While not one other family we saw even came close to resembling our own, K & O got to play with lots of other black kids and we all got to be in an environment with almost every racial/ethnic group represented. And while we still get tons of stares and questions and strange/curious looks, K & O were not the only people in the place with dreadlocks! (although, they were definately the only people under the age of 12 with dreadlocks!) Anyway, it was fun.
The BIG news of the day is…
(And this is BIG news!)…
Drumroll please…
KYLE ATE RICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the way to Philadelphia we stopped for lunch at Baja Fresh — The boys had quesadillas and they came with rice. I thought, “what a waste! they’ll never eat the rice.” But… in an incredibly historic moment for our family, Kyle happily gobbled down not only his own rice, but his brother’s rice too!
This is a huge, huge, huge deal for us. Because rice/beans has been part of our adoption story right from the start. While they were in the orphanage the boys were fed nothing but rice and beans (in addition to the baby formula they’d sometimes get). At the age they were then (0-8 months), they were not able to digest it. We’ll never forget the very first time we changed their diapers only to find horrifying diaper rashes and big piles of undigested rice and beans in there. I honestly think that horrific image is burned into my brain forever. From the start they both refused to eat rice and/or beans. Understandably. We thought it would wear off. But it didn’t. Every few weeks I have tried to feed them rice and/or beans. I’ve even tried hiding it in soup or stew, etc. They’ll pick out every tiny grain of rice and every little measly bean. But not today! Our Ky Ky ate a whole bunch of rice! Happily! Yay for him! Owen refused it, but that’s no problem– he ate enough of his (and his brother’s) quesadillas to make up for it!

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