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Pennsylvania Haiti-Adoptive-Families CHRISTMAS PARTY

Posted by | December 16, 2007 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Saturday we hosted a Christmas Party for all of our Haiti-adoptive-families-friends from the state of Pennsylvania (or nearby Pennsylvania!). This was a mid-year-reunion of the families from the summer PA Haitian Adoptive Families Reunion (click here, here, and here), and people made the trip from all over to be here. I cannot articulate what this group of people means to our family. Because we knew they’d be incredibly excited about it, we held off on even telling Kyle and Owen about the party plans until just a few days before. Still, K & O were “counting the sleeps” and asking 100 times a day “when is the Haiti Party going to come?!” In all seriousness, their anticipation for this Christmas Party was almost equal to their anticipation for Christmas itself. And their wildly high expectations were beyond met. It was easily one of the best days of their lives. Easily. Throwing this party was probably the very best Christmas present we could give to Kyle and Owen. There is just nothing — nothing — like getting together with other families like ours. For five hours the house was overflowing with laughter and chaos (51 people — 30 of which were kids under the age of 12… and when these kids get together they play hard!!!). Highlights included Corey’s fried plantains and rice & beans; pass-the-present; Owen’s long-awaited reunion with “Tavika”; camaraderie; contentment; solace; and a special kind of friendship. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a group of adults bond so quickly as this group does. And I know I’ve never seen a group of kids play so hard as this group does. This group feels like kindred spirits. Kindred spirits with hearts for Haiti. It is rejuvenating to be in the midst. The four of us are now counting the sleeps until the summer reunion. To all who were here: Merry Christmas, and thank you so much for making the trip! More photos in the two posts below (click here and here). And, as always, click on any photo to see it larger.

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