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7:05 and everyone is in bed & asleep (…I think)

Posted by | March 20, 2010 | BAMBINOS | 4 Comments

This post is partly an update for HBJ, partly a expression of disbelief/relief and partly a post.

It’s been a question in my mind whether or not, when not on vacation, I am able to really engage and enjoy parenting in a non-stressful way.  On a regular basis, I have real trouble disengaging from work, and more importantly, re-engaging with my family in a good way.  Now, I don’t think that on a regular basis I am a bad parent, or a neglectful parent, but I also don’t think that I normally live up to what kind of parent I would like to be.  And for me that is both saddening and difficult to change.

And, so, as this weekend approached, Heather and I had some pretty serious trepidation since she has to be at an annual ESS conference (that she has missed the past couple years) – and it represents my first time parenting my children all by myself for an entire day. And, in this case, for three (almost) entire days. Whoa.

Some women will roll their eyes, some will discount my nerves (although some will understand Heather’s nerves about it).  Some men who have done this will do the same. And I too am rather embarrassed by it. But many men and women will recognize that there are lots of men for whom this scenario is a real concern.  It is a reality.

Well, here we are on day two and things are going great.  We had a great day today – and a ton of fun.  All four of us were engaged, relaxed and played hard.

Yesterday, after Heather left in the morning and Meera got up from her nap, we went out to buy Curious George 2 and The Princess & the frog (we had said we would get it as soon as it came out). Then we went and got… new fast shoes!  The boys are particularly happy about these since they go “16 miles and hour”, which is about 2 miles an hour faster than their previous fast shoes.  😉

These shoes go 16 miles an hour!

Meera said “mommy home” a lot over the course of the day, which was tough.  When I put her to bed, I thought she was going to cry a bit (like sad cry, not cry out), but she didn’t.    That was the hardest part of the day.

When we got up this morning Meera was a little sad – she cried upon waking.  But then we played with the train for a while – we ate a quick breakfast (egg for Meera, cereal for K & O) and off to BOUNCEU!  All three kids had a blast. Meera went down the slides by her self a couple times.  Man, that girl is just like her brothers – loves the wild rides.  “Nature” lovers (as in vs Nurture), you gotta fess up and admit that there is something in the nurturing department going on here.

That's a 6' slide that is really slippery and caused a lot of laughter from all three!

We had to stop at Panera afterward for some treats (at Kyle’s request who was “sooooooo hungry”).  We came home with a 6 pack of Hot Cross Buns (Kyle’s favorite), a Cinnamon roll, a Cobble stone, hot coco, and a sprite/hi-c mix. Meera had some of my bottle of water (at her request).  Little miss was clearly exhausted, and lay down on the floor of the Panera for a moment while we waited – couldn’t get the camera out fast enough to get that little delight.

Interestingly today, we seemed to get a lot of positive feedback from lots of people we ran into along the way.  Lot’s of interaction with the boys, lots of how cute Meera is – lots and lots.  I don’t know whether this is that I was alone, or that we were all in good places, or that the weather was gorgeous, or that I just noticed it more, but it was noticeable. I know that a whole post could go into that, but there’s a lot more to go through.

Missy took a 2:45 minute nap.  During that time, the boys got to watch their new George video, and I got the house in order and did a few minutes of work.  They also had lunch – which was two boxes of annies mac and cheese – I saved a little for Missy, but sheesh – that was just lunch!

When she got up – we all headed out side for the afternoon.

The big deal of the day – Meera got a “new” tricycle.  We decided to wait until spring to break it out.  It was Owen’s old one we got back in 2006.  Meera loved it – loved it loved it.  Despite the fact that her feet don’t quite reach the pedals.  :)

After a dinner of pizza from Borderline, it was bath and bed.  Meera did not want to go to bed, and Owen didn’t either.  Those two are an interesting pair in so many ways.   Owen kept it in check however, he did great today.

Missy was in bed at 6:30 and her lip quivered again when I put her down with kitty, bunny, coco and little kitty.  But about 2 min after I walked out and was reading to Kyle and Owen, I hear her happily having a discussion about things with coco.  So – go figure. Things have been quiet for a while now.

Boys – in bed at 7:05.  The house is clean. I am going to go up and check in on them. If they are asleep – watching a movie!


We’ll see about tomorrow, but for now, yesterday and today has really made me think about things.  Not only could I enjoy my kids at home, and keep them safe and fed, but they could enjoy me too.  That’s big. It makes me wonder why I have not been able to do it more often.  For me there is something different about today than other weekends.  Something about it being all on me.

Now, I will admit, I have it pretty easy – Heather figured out all the meals (except that the boys kind of changed around what they wanted – but still) – and she helped with the plans.  I will also say that having a plan is really really critical to making days like this work,  But there is still something here, I am not sure what yet.

Anyway, the boys are super excited – Jarran Walker is coming tomorrow!


  • MorMor says:

    You are a great dad Braydon and those kids are so darn cute! xo

  • Heather says:

    Loved reading this from my hotel in Boston at 11:45 p.m. Saturday on a work trip. Love you Braydon. You are the best.

  • gtmccormick says:

    Great job, Braydon. Of course you could do it!

    That's some growth spurt for Owen.

    You were really amazing on your tricycle at Meera's age, zipping in and out with ease, never bumping into anything even in crowded spaces (needless to say, your feet reached the pedals, so maybe genes are involved.

  • kate.m.vickery says:

    Way to go Braydon! I remember loving 1-1 weekends with my Dad while my Mum was out of town. Fatherhood looks like such a wonderful gift, it touches my heart so much to see in public a father be so intimate with their children, often times challenging the female primary caregiver ideology. Looks like you all had a fab weekend!

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