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Our Demographics & Blog-blog-blogging About Food

Posted by | March 22, 2010 | BAMBINOS, FOOD | 20 Comments

So, one unexpected occurrence resulting from our switcheroo-to-the-new-bloggeroo was this: in the process we acquired a lot of interesting and valuable information regarding our readership. We received hundreds (about 5 or 600) of emails from people all over the world. After scoping people out, we have invited 460 readers (we’ll continue to add people who want to read along on a case-by-case basis). Anyway, the thing that was so crazy, to me, was not the number of readers but the intensity of the readers— I was shocked to find out that almost all of our readers are reading daily (like, religiously! as part of their daily routine!) and have been for years. Most of them have either been reading since the beginning, or have gone back and read our entire archives. The vast, vast, vast majority of people told us that they had never left a comment. Like, never ever left a comment. Interesting! Anyway, totally by default we found out a ton about our blog readers’ demographics. There are a whole bunch of men reading, but the majority of readers are women– including a total mix of stay-at-home-moms, working-outside-the-home-moms, and women with no kids. The majority of readers are white, but we have a ton more black and Hispanic (and other non-white) readers than I ever imagined. There are lots of families and/or couples who are reading together (and having lots of interesting conversations sparked from here!– I heard about so many of those conversations!). There are large contingents of readers from the following groups (some of you overlap with ‘membership’ in multiple of these groups):

  • Adoptive Families (or families considering adoption or in the process of adoption)
  • Multiples Families (parents of twins)
  • GLBTQ Folks (mostly gay and lesbian couples — some with kids, some thinking about starting families)
  • Female Graduate Students (lots o’ PhD students, med students, and law students)
  • Teen and Twenty-Something Adoptees (most of them black)
  • Heart for Haiti (people who– for whatever reason… and usually there’s a good one… — love Haiti; this includes actual Haitians and Haitian-Americans, as well as non-Haitians who have been touched by Haiti)

There you have it. I’d say that pretty much sums up our readership. The other thing we found out is what people are interested in on our blog. From what y’all told us, I’d say these are the main subjects that most of our readers are reading for (in no particular order):

  • Happy-Healthy-Whole-Hearted-Great&Grateful-Living (turns out that people are seriously inspired by this blog… honestly, this was the biggest revelation to me. I had no idea people were so enraptured with this aspect of our blog)
  • Adoption (especially inter-racial adoption, especially white-black adoption, especially Haitian adoption)
  • Mixed-Race Family Life
  • Dual-Career Family Life
  • Twinny Twinny Twinship
  • Travel
  • Foodie Stuff (raising foodie kids, recipes, and ideas for dealing with the whole food/eating challenge in daily living)

I’d say that after the Happy-Healthy-Whole-Hearted-Great&Grateful-Living revelation (which, truly, was a huge revelation to me), the second most surprising thing that I learned in this whole process was that a ton (I mean, a ton) of people are interested in any/all food-related stuff on this blog. I find that amazing, since, from my perspective, we rarely post about food and I’m constantly feeling tortured by the challenge of getting dinner on the table. I feel like we posted a lot on the subject of food during Food Week last year, but other than that I feel like it is pretty much a silent subject on this blog. That is not, however, how a lot of readers see it. The food stuff is a major draw for a lot of readers. And honestly, as much as it does drive me absolutely to the brink of insanity on many (most?) days… I do love thinking about — and trying to mastermind — the whole food thing for my family. So… that made me think, “geesh, I better get going on The 2nd Annual Food Week!!!!!” But then I got to thinking… “maybe I should do more than just one (or two) weeks on this, maybe I should start doing ‘Food Friday’ and posting something related to food once a week?”  Anyway, I’d love to hear what y’all think! I know a lot of you are averse to commenting (LOL!!!), but you could vote… right??… so we created a little poll for you to partake in. Check it out on the top right hand corner of our sidebar. And vote! Your vote counts! (since I’ll go with whatever you all tell me) Poll closes at midnight on Thursday.

P.S. Late edit to this post…  I forgot to mention the most fun tidbit of all about our demographics!— we even have someone really, really, really (like super really) famous reading this blog!!!! I will never say who it is– but I bet y’all will have some fun imagining who it might be!  😉


  • Marianne says:

    Today I inquired about a mission trip to Haiti through my church and immediately thought of your family! It's an 8 day mission to Petitie Riviere. If I can manage to pay for it, I will absolutely be doing it (I have wanted to do one for a looooong time, but especially since the earthquake.) My church is also offering free classes to learn Haitian Creole… I don't know if you've ever touched on this, but have the boys expressed interest in learning the language?

    Also, another time I thought of your family was when I was on a plane to Florida in January. I sat next to the neatest couple who had received a call at 11pm the night before saying to book the first flight out of Indy to Sarasota to meet their son! They had been going through the adoption process for 2 years and were terrified of what would happen after the earthquake, but God was on their side and the process was sped up and they now have their sweet 3 year old boy at home.

    Much like your story, it was SO inspiring!

    I have a strong desire to adopt. I used to beg my parents to be foster parents to give other kids loving homes. I fall under two parts of your demographics: interest in adoption and female grad student (sort of… I earned my BA in Journalism and Sociology and am now headed to nursing school :))

    And all of this randomness, just to say THANKS again, Johnson-McCormick gang, for letting me follow along. Your family truly is inspiring.

    God Bless!


    Oh, and I voted for Food Friday!

  • gloria says:

    I am loving the new blog, and fall into several of the demographic categories you listed!

    I placed my foodie vote, and also wanted to put in another topic request — not that you asked.. and not that I expect you will necessarily choose to fulfill! But a girl can ask, no?

    I would love to hear more about the Waldorf education the boys are getting. I am considering Waldorf homeschooling (while also managing a demanding career — a little crazy, perhaps!) I am fascinated by many of the Waldorf teaching principles (some of which go against the grain of today's educational zeitgeist).

    Thanks for letting me into your world… it's a pleasure reading your blog!

  • jana.phillips says:

    I was one of those who when I happened upon Party of 5, read through almost all of the archives :) I think my favorite post of all was the school lunch one, so yes…keep the food stuff coming!

    Thank you again for including me in reading your new blog.


  • thlsralv says:

    Ooh, I wonder if Jolie/Pitt read int'l adoption blogs…! 😉 Teasing…they were just the first to come to mind who might be interested in something like this.

    Either way, fun to hear about the demographics of your readership! I don't have a blog, but if I did, I imagine hearing about the people following it would be one of the most fascinating byproducts. Question: have you posted the creamy pesto pasta recipe anywhere? Every time you mention it, my mouth starts to water. I bet it would be a fast family favorite here, too.

  • amykwallas says:

    Yay for Food Friday! I have a feeling it's going to win :)

  • monek says:

    I thought of the Jolie Pitt family too,thlsralv…although I bet sitting down to read ANYTHING is daunting for them!! :)

  • Beth says:

    I have to admit my partner, Lisa, bugged me for quite a while to start reading your blog. I just didn't think I would be that interested in reading about another families' day to day life. I am totally hooked. I crack up at your stories of the K, O and M, I cry at the hard things your family has faced and I am inspired by all you have shared about Haiti and your sons. I feel like I know your family and I am honored to be included in the blog.

    Lisa and I have a nine month old daughter and hope to adopt from Haiti in the next couple years. We both feel a connection to that country that we can't explain. We are also hoping to do some type of missionary trip there in the near future. Maybe we would get to meet the Livesays! I am hooked on their blog now too thanks to you!

    I voted for Food Friday. I love reading about all the wonderful meals you make, but they are way out of my league!!! I am the cook in the family but I cook way more basic. Lisa can only dream of having those gorgeous looking and tasting meals prepared for her! Thanks for all you share. We both love all the pictures! Your children are beautiful!

  • gthomas2 says:

    Thanks J-M family, I fall into several of the categories and I see that Marianne asked the question that I wanted to ask regrading the boys learning to speak Haitian Creole. I love the new blog :)

  • aliciaandmarkstraub says:

    Well seeing as how I keep a blog solely to show what I pack my kids for lunch each day, I vote YES on food posts. :)

  • kate.m.vickery says:

    Hi Heather! Glad you made it home safely. I logged in eagerly to see what you all had written…to find myself featuring in your entry – as part of your readership!!! Looking forward to the new food development in your blog – any help with quick and delicious recipes for a 'strapped for time' grad student like myself is really appreciated!!

    Happy cooking!


  • caboz74 says:

    Yes. Please post meal idea for us work out of the home mama's. I run out of quick, healthy ideas by Tues. LOL

    Christy adoptive mama to WEn

  • mmc2153 says:

    I'm totally intrigued by the demographics too! I just found out a girl in one of my seminars reads a ton of the same blogs I read. It's nice to find other college students who read blogs of people with kids! I can't count the number of times I've linked people to your post about the boys hair, and I've shown nearly everyone I know the post of them with their tutus! I'm pretty sure that was one of the many posts that made me fall in love with the JM fam!

    Although I must admit sometimes I think "If I have kids and they have as much energy as Kyle and Owen… I'm going to need to start drinking coffee or something" Do you think it's easier to have two high energy kids because they can play together? or do they feed off each other and pump each other up?

  • emily.galbraith says:

    How awesome and interesting that you have gotten an inside look at who exactly is reading your blog, and even some insight into why they come back and what they are intersted in reading. I love just reading about your day to day stuff, and how you handle different challenges that your family faces – especially when it comes to the adoption stuff. My very best friend in the world is adopted – once i finally figured that out (hey I was 6 when we met and it never occured to me that parents usually "match" their children!) I had so many questions that I was afraid to ask. Even now she is a private person when it comes to her adoption, so you answer many of the questions I have. So thanks, for this blog, for bringing me over as a reader, for creating a mini community around your blog and just sharing the ups and downs of your life in such an honest way! :)

  • hicksbleecker says:

    Those demos are fascinating. How do you get all that? And how does one become a "blog you love"? Adore your family and whims.

  • taralivesay says:

    I would love to have that information too … it is true that 95% of readers will never comment – I wonder how I could find any of that out? I wish I could recall when I first started reading you guys, I want to say it was in 2007 and I think maybe Jen told me about you – but I could be wrong. Happy Spring!

  • anne.konarski says:

    I don't usually comment either- but I agree with the poster above- more info please on the Waldorf philosophy! Also my demographic would be a lawyer and not-yet-mom who will have biracial kids and wants to raise them right….And my guess for the famous reader is Rosie! I am pretty sure I sent her your link more than once 😉

  • spdx2 says:

    I'm one of those non-commenters. So, starting slowly, here goes: Our family guess for famous reader is BarackO's wife, Michelle. Love your blog — always!

  • Jonez says:

    Thanks for allowing me to have a peek into your world. I’m a long time reader and I fall into the “Single lady, no children” category. My favorite posts are the ones where you share funny, one liners the kids say. Also their “twin-speak” is fascinating as well.

  • boomarkus says:

    I am also one of those long time readers who has never before commented. I also love reading about the food and the travel. My partner is due in six weeks and food and travel are two huge priorities in our life- you five are our role models!

  • I am just now catching up on your blog finally :) thank you so much for granting me access :) I was one of those that blog lurked for a couple of years and I don't think I ever actually did leave a comment, so… *guilty* :) I actually fit into quite a few categories, I'm a college student and my life has been touched by adoption and Haiti and I love the twinny twin posts :). I'm gonna go on reading now. Oh, and I'm still thinking of who it might be that's famous and reading your blog too :)

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