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The Boys’ First Self-Chosen Clothing Purchase

Posted by | April 13, 2010 | BAMBINOS | 18 Comments

So, for the past 5.5 years I’ve been picking out and purchasing the boys’ clothes. The only thing that they have ever cared about, where clothing is concerned, is their life-long desire to wear matching outfits. If it were up to them they’d dress identically 100% of the time (and to this day they put up quite a fight to be able to dress as identically as they can get away with… right down to their underpants and socks). They have always been that way about dressing the same. But as far as actual clothing goes– styles, types, brands, colors, fabrics, fashions, etc…  Never once, ever, have they asserted themselves with any kind of refusal to wear anything I’ve ever bought for them. With only one exception they also have never shown any strong preference for any item of clothing in their entire wardrobes. That one exception was that Kyle, from about age 18 months to about 2 years old, had a favorite shirt — a brown shirt with a motorcycle on it — that he would sometimes find in his closet and communicate very clearly to us that he wanted to wear (soon enough he grew out of the shirt and that was the end of that). They do like their Red Sox clothing– and will often put it on when they are going outside to play baseball (especially when MorFar is with us), but really— all across the board– they really have never shown any kind of care in the world about any stitch of clothing on their bodies or in their closet. {their sister, on the other hand, is quite a different story} Anyway… so…. last Friday I had to run an errand at Target and had to take all three kids with me. I avoid this at all costs and will do just about anything to get out of having to bring all three of them into a store with me– But, I ventured forth with the three of them in tow. While walking past the boys’ clothing section Kyle spotted some athletic-type ‘Champion’ brand boys’ shorts on a rack. “Ooooh!” he said, pointing them out to me with huge eyes, “Those are the kind of shorts all the guys wear!” “What guys?” I asked him. “The Lehigh guys!” he said, excitedly pointing them out to Owen. Owen’s eyes just about popped out of his head. And then, for the first time ever in their lives, they asked me to buy them an article of clothing. Right there in the midst of Target my soon-to-turn-six-year-old boys asked me if I’d buy them the shorts. They do need shorts (lots of them!) for summer, so I was more than happy to go along with it and buy them. As we sifted through the rack to find two identical pair in their size (of course they insisted on both getting the same exact ones even though I tried to talk them into at least getting different colors), they got distracted by a rack of matching ‘Champion’ tank-top shirts nearby. Now, I’ve never bought them tank-tops. I don’t want to offend anyone who might be reading, and we all have our own tastes and preferences, but suffice it to say that I do not care for tank tops on boys/men. Never in my life did I think I’d ever purchase a tank top for my son… let alone two tank tops for two sons. But they were darn near drooling over these shirts that were “JUST LIKE ZAHIR AND MARQUIS WEAR!!!!!!!!!!!” And again, not to over-emphasize it or anything, but, they have never shown any interest whatsoever in clothing of any kind. So, I bought them the shorts and the shirts. And they could not have been happier about it. They’d wear these outfits every day if they could. And I must admit that (although I never would have picked them out on my own) these outfits look really really good on them!


  • kendallregan says:

    Is Owen tickling Kyle in the picture? Those boys of yours are so silly and precious! The sunglasses definitely complete the look. 😉

  • dchapru says:

    Count yourself lucky. When my son was slightly older than your two his favorite outfit was a purple shirt with pink and green flowers on top of a pair of red and black plaid pants. Aaargh. Kyle and Owen look great. I, too, thought muscle shirts were weird when they first hit the stores but now I've seen so many that they just look ordinary. Hey, how come the sunglasses don't match?

  • emlancer says:

    We’re with you on the whole sleeveless thing.. The boys look great in them, but I know what you mean about that particular look.


  • mandkthompson says:

    My 7 year old adopted son who is totally obsessed with sports (me, not so much) chose an almost identical outfit when he was about 5. He had never expressed any interest in clothing either; would wear whatever I put out for him that day without an complaint and all of sudden he wanted to look like he just stepped off a basketball court. He found his at Nordstroms and it was bright orange and blue with a much bigger price tag. I bought it though and did not send it on in the handmedowns. I decided that was as important to keep as my favorite onsie from when he was a baby. Kyle and Owen remind me so much of my son, only there is just one in our house. I can't imagine. We have a 3 year old little girl too who is just as sweet as can be until she decides that things are not going her way!

  • gtmccormick says:

    So, after that, what did Meera want? Or was she overwhelmed too? 😉

  • mwenmanmi says:

    Uh-oh, your shopping patterns may never be the same (boo hoo hoo hoo). My kids determined that once they got to choose one thing, my choices were no longer acceptable. It is something I totally gave up in the early months together, for my own sanity and in hone of their individuality. I hope you still can dress your boys the way you want most of the time! Oh, and they look like athletes in those tanks and shorts–and even when they are not. Strong, smart, vibrantly living boys. 'Renmen nou!

  • Ani says:

    My 4 year old could care less about clothes… but he does have an aversion to polo shirts bc of the buttons (sucks to be him bc his school uniform includes a polo shirt!) But, I'm enjoying shopping for his clothes as long as he'll let me… I'm with you on the sleeveless look, but those boys are definitely rocking their new outfits :)

  • tricia.vanderkooy says:

    they look spectacular!

    you're going to have two super-cutie-young-men in 15 years!!

  • meganterry01 says:

    They look adorable! It amazes me how much they appear to have grown up since I started reading your blog about a year ago. They look like little men! And now looking at them in their tank tops, those little 5 year old boys actually have defined muscles in their arms! And they look about 10 feet tall. Holy cow! They'll be the stars of whatever Lehigh team they decide to play for :-)

  • islandbaby22 says:

    Oh Heather, I am with you on that whole tank tops and men thing, but your boys look way cool in their new outfits! It totally seems to fit their spirits! I was wondering, are their dreads naturally reddish in color, or are they dyed? Either way, they rock!

    • Heather says:

      They are naturally reddish– especially in the summer when the sun bleaches them out. Owen's hair is more red than Kyle's.
      We'd never dye their hair, but I do wonder often if people think that we do because of the way their hair looks.
      Thanks for asking.
      And yes, I agree, they ROCK! 😉

  • ldstarr says:

    My friends son LOVE basketball….watching and playing….and would wear basketball shorts and jerseys every day…My friend would find great deals on "team" jerseys at TJ maxx, Marshalls etc…..They look great….and I see athletic wear in your future! One great thing is nylon drys quickly and washes great!!

  • momof3 says:

    Locs can turn reddish over time. Our oldest has this happening right now, not so much on our 2nd kiddo yet. Love the outfits!

  • cherylalander says:

    I’m with you on the tank tops on males, however, their beautiful brown skin looks great in them! The shades on the foreheads makes it!

  • taralivesay says:

    i gave up on fighting tanks … ike looks good and noah looks ridiculous – but we just go with it.

    hope you guys are keeping your heads above water till sweet summer arrives!

  • emily.galbraith says:

    K and O can totally pull of the muscle shirts – look at those arms! They are both so freakin' cute and getting so grown up! :-)

  • LMAfonso says:

    They are so athletic looking- totally jock men in those outfits : ) And btw, Mal has been spying and asking for certain clothes since she was abotu 16 months old, so look out with Mis Meera!!

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