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For The Record

Posted by | June 03, 2010 | IMBALANCE | 4 Comments

Let it be noted:

On Wednesday, June 2, 2010, for the very first time ever in his entire six-year-long life, Kyle Macon Johnson-McCormick rejected the outfit laid out for him by his mother. Up until that date, for his entire baby-hood, toddler-hood, and child-hood, Kyle Macon Johnson-McCormick never once batted an eye at what his mother dressed him in. Up until that date, during his school-going years (pre-school and kindergarten so far), Kyle Macon Johnson-McCormick put on whatever his mother had laid out for him the night before. Note: such is also exactly the same for his twin brother Owen. But– on the morning of Wednesday, June 2, 2010, Kyle, still in his pajamas, and carefully carrying his nice little stack of an outfit, politely came to his mom, and asked, “Mom, do I have to wear this?” Putting on the most neutral-‘no-problem’-face she could muster, and using the most laissez-faire-‘non-issue’-tone she possibly could, Kyle’s mother said, “No, baby. Why? Is there something you’d rather wear?” Skipping off to his closet with a spring in his step, off went Kyle. He shortly re-appeared wearing the outfit pictured above. Mother and child hugged. Child, beaming with pride and independence. Mother, putting on a good act but secretly grieving. Let it be noted: some sort of major tide has turned. A bittersweet moment in the life of the J-Ms. (Also to note: strangely enough, Owen seemed to barely even notice that any of this transpired —- a major turning of another tide of some sort.)


  • laurafingerson says:

    Awwww, I totally feel for you and all the conflicting emotions!! Hooray for Kyle and Hooray for your "not a big thing" attitude as he asked! How totally cute. I love that my girls are growing up and at the same time, I can't stand that they grow up so fast.

  • mwenmanmi says:

    Oh no! I've rarely had the joy of picking my kids clothes…all three were opininated from the get go.

    Would you believe that just this morning, I looked at Marc with a big heaving sigh and said, "thank God for uniforms!" This after Macdalah had tried on so many outfits and was still unhappy. She's seven!?!? It's the last day of school, a final dress down day. Yah!

  • gtmccormick says:

    It would appear to be his love of baseball. Would be interesting to see what would happen if you put out a similar outfit for him.

  • tgr101 says:

    I remember when my daughters started picking their own clothes, too. I have one who is a bit of a fashionista (they're 7) and she will change her clothes several times over the day and I will only reject them if they are dirty, completely inappropriate or don't fit. My other daughter lives in jeans and tee shirts. Happily they will still wear what I choose or them when we're doing family pictures or it's a holiday — don't know how long that will last!

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