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Food Friday: Mrs. Peterson’s Cheesecake

Posted by | September 17, 2010 | FOOD | 4 Comments

This was our dessert for our Back To School Dinner 2010. Seriously, if anyone you love likes cheesecake at all, you must make this for them ASAP. It is, truly, the world’s best cheesecake.

Braydon loves cheesecake and often requests it for his birthday “cake.” But we didn’t fully realize how much K & O love cheesecake until our recent trip to Atlanta. Our first day there, we stepped into a little cafe to get a snack (the boys need a “snack” at least every two hours that they are awake — no kidding). Braydon and I were surprised when, amongst many, many, possible items they both chose a slice of plain cheesecake. We were then shocked at the speed with which they devoured it. That set them on an Atlanta cheesecake kick. We soon realized that we could get amazing cheesecake via take-out or room-service from the Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse that was located in the lobby of our hotel. Have you ever tried the cheesecake from Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse? We never had before our Atlanta trip, but let me tell you, it is incredible. Hands down, it is the best cheesecake I’ve ever had— with one exception: Mrs. Peterson’s Cheesecake.

I had a pretty unique childhood, growing up at a camp that my parents ran. As a result, throughout my childhood I came into contact with many fabulous people. Mrs. Peterson is one of the most fabulous of the fabulous. I have incredible memories of her… like how she’d bring my sister and I big bags full of penny candy every time she’d show up in New Hampshire after her long drive up from Connecticut… or like how she’d welcome us into her home, as if we were family, to make korv before Christmas… or — and this is perhaps my most vivid memory of her — how, as a kid, I’d always know that Mrs. Peterson had come to camp when I’d open the refrigerator in our cottage kitchen to find two gorgeous, thick cheesecakes, wrapped tightly in saran wrap, just sitting there for our family. I’d know better than to cut into them, but I’d carefully peel up a tiny part of the saran wrap in order to try to dab a finger in and take a little taste. Even a tiny morsel was like eating pure melt-in-your-mouth heaven. Mrs. Peterson knew that my dad loved cheesecake, and she’d make him two of them at least once a summer. She’d make them in Connecticut and then transport them all the way to our cottage kitchen. I can remember, very well, how that loving and thoughtful gesture made me feel: really good. I loved that she did it for my dad — and I loved that she did it for my family — and I loved that she made not just one, but two (!) of these cheesecakes — and I loved those summer nights when we’d get to steal a moment together hidden away in the back of the cottage eating that special, special cheesecake. I have lots of other memories of Mrs. Peterson too. And to this day she’s like a grandmother to me (and like a great-grandmother to my bambinos). There are just some people in this world who are really, really special.

After I graduated from college and was living on my own, I found the recipe for Mrs. Peterson’s Cheesecake in a little box of recipes given to me by my mom. It was years before I became unintimidated enough in the kitchen to try it. The first time I got the guts up to make it was for one of Braydon’s birthdays (can’t remember which one). It was a labor of love (at the time this recipe seemed really complicated; now it seems really easy — funny how that is!). But I did it. I think I wanted to make him cheesecake from scratch for two reasons: 1) I knew how much he loved cheesecake and knew this one was the best cheesecake on the planet, and — more importantly — 2) Braydon was the love of my life and I wanted him to feel really good.

Here’s the recipe– make is soon for someone you love!

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Mrs. Peterson’s Cheesecake

1 cup finely crushed graham crackers
1/4 cup medium coarse walnuts
1/4 cup melted butter
2 eggs
9 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup + 5 Tbs sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 pint sour cream

Mix crumbs, melted butter, and nuts. Reserve about 2 Tbs of the mixture and set aside until later. Press the rest evenly over bottom and sides of a 9 inch pie plate to form a crust. Bake at 375 for 5 minutes. Remove. Beat eggs ’till thick and lemon colored. Set aside. Without washing beater, beat cream cheese and 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 tsp vanilla. Add eggs and beat until blended. Pour into crust and return to oven at 325 for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. Stir together the sour cream, 1/2 tsp vanilla, and 5 Tb sugar. Spread over the slightly cooled pie. Return to oven at 325 for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the reserved crust mixture on the top. This cheesecake is best when left overnight in the refrigerator. Serves at least 8 (it is very rich!).

P.S. Mrs. Peterson has long been one of our most loyal blog readers. So, I’m sure she’ll be surprised when she finds this post on her computer screen! If you try this cheesecake and love it, then you can give all your thanks to her– here in the comments to this post! :)


  • csduehring says:

    I did not know that making cheesecake was another of Karin’s many talents! I can not wait to try it! Missed seeing you at CCL this summer, Karin. Hope you had a great summer! Love to you, David and Carol Duehring

  • momof3 says:

    Sounds yummy! I always make a cheesecake for the Christmas Eve dinner. I may try this one!

  • Carin Peterson says:

    Hello all “my dear children”! what a surprise it was to come home late last night and and half a sleep going on to the computor and trying to catch up on 3weeks reading,and as usual the Johnson-McCormick blog was my first “hit”How surprised I was to see your liking of my cheesecake so much.Oh how well I remember those days and your Dads liking for that cake so I always knew that 1 cake would never do, it had to be 2.Yes we grew to become part of each others families and for that I am forever grateful.I love you all and looking forward to seeing you whenever that will be it is always such a joy to see you all and watch how your wonderful family is growing up much to fast,and keep making those cheesecakes (calcium is good for your bones!!!!!)and enjoy them .with much love and oh so many fond memories “Mrs.Peterson”

  • MorMor says:

    Love Mrs. Peterson’s cheesecake Anytime you want to make it Heather or Carin I’m willing and able to eat it!

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