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Third Lost Tooth x2

Posted by | October 12, 2010 | BAMBINOS | 7 Comments

toothfairy 20101012

About a month ago, on a Sunday morning, Braydon and I woke up to Kyle and Owen running/sprinting/leaping/bounding/exclaiming/screaming with great excitement that “OWEN PULLED OUT KYLE’S TOOTH!!!” We both bolted upright in bed, because – although just abruptly jolted wide awake from a deep sleep – we were fully aware that Kyle’s tooth had not been that loose the night before. But sure enough, there were the two of them, Kyle proudly beaming his new toothless (and quite bloody) smile, and Owen proudly holding up the tooth (along with a piece of Kleenex dotted with blood). They were –literally—jumping up and down, right there at our bedside, just beside themselves with excitement over the fact that they had managed to get that tooth out. I whispered to Braydon, “My gosh! It wasn’t that loose!?” And he whispered back, “I know!!!” But what was done was done. And so, after jumping out of bed to get Kleenex for Kyle to clean up his bloody mouth, I said, as chipper as I could muster, “Well Kyle! I guess we’ll be getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy tonight!!” It was then that he announced his plan: “No, I’m not leaving my tooth for the Tooth Fairy until Owen’s tooth comes out too.”

This was not the first time we had heard this—Although they both left their first teeth for the Tooth Fairy on the respective nights that they had lost them (Kyle first, and then a couple weeks later, Owen), when Owen was first to loose a second tooth he had declared he’d “wait, as long as it took,” for Kyle to loose his, before leaving his tooth for the Tooth Fairy. And wait Owen did. He waited patiently for about a month for Kyle to finally lose his second tooth, and then they both left them for the Tooth Fairy that night (it just so happened that we were in Maine for Auntie Stina’s wedding that night, and – thrill of thrills! – the Tooth Fairy found us in the log cabin where we were staying deep in the heart of Maine!). So, with the third of Kyle’s teeth now out, he was ready to pay-back-the-deed to Owen…  he’d wait and wait until Owen’s tooth was ready.

For the past few days Owen’s tooth has been getting progressively looser. He’s been fiddling and fidgeting with it day and night. And tonight it was clear that it was just barely hanging on by a thread. Kyle convinced him that it was time—time to get the tooth out. And so, after dinner was over and the baths were done, with all five of us gathered tight together on the floor of Kyle’s room (Owen on Braydon’s lap and Meera right beside holding Owen’s hand for comfort), we all got to watch this time as Kyle pulled Owen’s tooth out for him. Turns out they have a whole system, these two, that involves using a Kleenex to grip the tooth and then yanking hard on it. Sure enough, in a split second, there was Kyle, gripping Owen’s tooth with the Kleenex, holding it up high for all to see.

What a ride. Never a dull moment around here, I tell ya. Never a dull moment.

And now the bambinos are sleeping soundly — all three of them awaiting a visit from the Tooth Fairy. K & O are both in Owen’s bed tonight, the bedroom window cracked just a bit so that “she can fly in.” The Tooth Fairy pillow, holding two teeth, is carefully placed right between Kyle and Owen’s heads.


  • Anna says:

    all I can say is OUCH! I still remember my mother pulling one of my teeth out by yanking it out with a piece of string.

    Just for general cultural info, here in Italy, it’s not the Tooth Fairy that brings the $$, it’s the Tooth Mouse, and when my son lost his first tooth, I had left 2 € under his pillow, his Dad told him that the Mouse was a stingy mouse and then left him another 20€! You can bet this kid is excited when he has a tooth loose!

  • Haley says:

    I hope the Tooth Fairy brings the boys something very special! That story is just too cute!

  • MorMor says:

    Precious, very precious. The twin thing is such a special bond. xo

  • Sarah says:

    I just love them. The bond that they share is magical, it gives me chills and makes me cry everytime!

  • Ani says:

    That Kleenex trick brings back memories of elementary school!

    Such a sweet story, hope the Tooth Fairy found her way to your house last night :-)

  • HCP says:

    This is unbearably cute!!

  • Julie Fritz says:

    First time commenter, long time reader…this story is too cute. I love seeing your boys affection for each other. You have a beautiful family.

    My first tooth came out via my brother…he tied thread around my tooth and tied the other end around a doorknob on a kitchen cabinet. Slamming the door was a very effective way to get an almost loose tooth out…when the boys grow tired of waiting on the other’s tooth, you might want to share this method with them! :)

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