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Boston, fall 2010

Posted by | November 08, 2010 | TRAVEL | 3 Comments

Heather and I lived in Boston for 6 years while in graduate school, and although we’ve now lived in the Mid-Atlantic for the last 10 years, Boston is near and dear to us in many ways.

We spent many a day and night going to our favorite restaurants, spending time with friends, going to events, museums, movies, site seeing and enjoying life. Now, don’t get me wrong, working on Doctorate degrees is not what you call a walk in the park, so I don’t want to romanticize it too much at the risk of forgetting how rough it was, but we also did do quite a bit of walking in the park (Franklin park mostly). In some ways, it really was romantic (seriously – Locontes), but we also missed a lot of our 20’s with heads down in books.

But, with that experience, we knew we’d have fun when my mother invited us to come up for the weekend and go to the science museum with the kids. I’ll skip over the car 5.5 hour car ride with 3 small children up and back, but to say our kids are really really good travelers, and thank goodness for in-car DVD players. Walt Disney – you’re my hero.

Make way for duckings: make way for sleep!

After getting a bit lost down Storrow Drive, and seeing Mt. Vernon street, where the ducks from Make Way for Ducklings (we love that book) waddled up to the public garden, and then twisting our way through the Back Bay, and down to MGH, behind Beacon Hill, back over to MIT, and finally, accidentally, and miraculously, we arrived at the Boston Science museum.

All three kids loved the science museum.  Some key highlights:

1. The Archemedean Excogitation (the amazing rolling ball sculpture)

2. Making windmills to test wind power

3. the IMAX movie “Whales

4. The lightning show (which apparently was reported back to their class in full on how to not get struck by lighting.  Wish I had been a fly on that wall).

It’s a full day going to the Science Museum….

We also had a chance to hang out with G’mma at her place and enjoy the playground.  And Owen enjoyed more than several chocolate chip cookies and all the kids loved playing with the search and find books, and reading books and puzzles.

I tell you what though – our soft Mid-Atlantic selves suffered in the cold.  Yes, it was only 45 degrees, but wow – cold in New England is different than other places.  You forget – even though we get up there for Christmas.  And G’mma’s/Auntie Sabrina’s poor Chihuahua not sure about how that little dog survives…, but somehow, our kids just keep on keeping on having fun wherever they find a nice playground – and this one is a nice one.

We left on Sunday morning – checked out of the Staybridge suites.

Thought we might dip in to Boston on the way to see our old apartment….Kyle nixed that – it was a short, good trip and everyone was ready to head home.  Stopped at one of our favorites – Chipotle and had good burritos.  Nice way to end a nice visit.


  • Kathrin says:

    Pictures from home! What a treat. I miss Boston.
    Glad you had a good time.

  • Anna says:

    It’s so nice to have a weekend home! I am too far away from my family to be able to do that and appreciate that you made the long drive with 3 kids!

    The first photo is gorgeous and Meera’s face is precious!

  • Maggie says:

    Hi Braydon!
    I was *just* at the Boston Science Museum a few weeks ago! My friends got married right where you took that picture looking out over the Charles (OMG it was so cold.) Anyway, I was standing in the museum waiting for my boyfriend who was the best man to come meet me, and I found myself right next to the amazing rolling ball sculpture! It is so fun to think that only a few weeks later, your precious family was right there too!! I miss you guys!!!! Thanks for the post. [And for acknowledging your grad school days LOL! People always talk about grad school as “the good ole days” HA! Glad you keep it real…] 😀

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