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Finally, a Date Night

Posted by | January 25, 2011 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments


Friday night was huge. Huge! Pathetically, we had not had a babysitter since May (when our beloved Jessica graduated from Lehigh and left us for the bigger world of “real life”). Which, translated, means that Braydon and I had not had a date night since May (pathetic!). We’ve had daytime “dates,” but hadn’t gone out at night in way too long. Around Christmastime the fabulous Zahir (who, by the way, graduated from Lehigh in May, but is now a grad student in… none other than… sociology!) asked if he could babysit. (Note to anyone who is capable of babysitting: if you want to really make someone’s day/week/month/year… ask them if you can babysit for their kids and just watch their face light up!!!). I felt like the heavens were opening up and this huge gift was being bestowed upon me! And so, of course I jumped at it, we lined it up right away, and the date was set. Friday was the night. Zahir and Tricia came to babysit and the three bambinos were over the moon! Braydon and I had a great night out (dinner and a movie! it had been waaaaaaaay tooooooooo loooooooooong since we’d done that!), and the threesome had one of the most spectacular nights of their lives (no joke). Zahir is a real life superstar superhero to the boys, and Meera thought she had died and gone to heaven with the arrival of Tricia at our house (Tricia is a basketball superstar herself, now coaching at Lehigh, but who also has long blond hair and no problem chatting about princesses or braiding Meera’s hair to match her doll’s). They ate macaroni and cheese, ran around like maniacs for hours, and K & O slept in their sleeping bags on the floor of Meera’s room that night – a “sleepover!” All reports from all five involved in the Friday Night Extravaganza were that things had gone stupendously well. We (all seven of us) cannot wait for the next date night! Hip hip hooray for Zahir and Tricia! Fabulousness all around!

P.S. Can you imagine having NCAA sports superstars (not just one, but two) as childhood babysitters?? Sometimes I just think about these lives my kids are living and I marvel at it. Just makes me wonder: what on earth ever will become of them? And how in the world will they look back at all this?


  • Kate says:

    Hi JMs,

    You’re right – what a great opportunity to be babysat by the sports star duo, what great role models to have!! And great you both got a date night.


  • Sara says:

    I am one of those babysitters who would constantly go up to the mom and ask if I could borrow her kids for the day, for free even! One mom who has five kids used to get so excited about all she was going to do that day with all her free time! I wished I lived closer because I would love to babysit your adorable kids!

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