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Happy MLK Day!

Posted by | January 17, 2011 | BAMBINOS | 5 Comments

MLK should be a big deal for everyone in the US; it most definitely is for us. It’s also a big deal at the boys’ school – we’re going to an all school assembly today in celebration and we’re really excited about it.

Happy MLK day everyone!


  • Kate says:

    Hi JMs,

    Thanks for sharing that, it was a lot of fun to watch!! I enjoyed the boys’ singing/chanting and the dramatic pauses (!!) and Meera giving Heather all her things when she finished eating and her concluding singing and well done Kyle for conveying all that information!
    Happy Martin Luther King Day – he’s such an inspiration!! I went to Cape Town over the December break to visit my boyfriend, we took a ferry over to Robben Island to visit the prison where former president Nelson Mandela (and many other remarkable men and women political prisoners) were exiled to, from the end of the 17th century to 1996. It was remarkable and humbling to walk the corridors where great women and men walked as they fought for a just and equal world.

    – Kate

  • Cheryl Alander says:

    This was fabulous!

  • Ani says:

    Wow, I am left speechless by Kyle’s understanding and ability to verbalize this important piece of history!

  • Kate says:

    P.S. I love the shell braids in the boys’ hair!! I used to get my hair braided in Bali with beads.

  • Rachel H says:

    This video is sooooo precious in SO many ways! From the gorgeous Meera passing the plate and saying, “I can’t carry it” (cute!!!) … and Kyle’s first explanation of the importance of MLK day, “He fixed something very important.” How true Kyle, and how well put! Which he followed up with an incredibly coherent explanation, even for kids much older than him. It was so sweet to watch the boys interact when Kyle had forgotten some words, with Owen whispering them to him, not trying to shout over the top or take over the limelight as most kids would. And Owen totally blew me away with his very poignant comment, “And now look at us.”

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