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M Drawing for Papi

Posted by | February 24, 2011 | BAMBINOS | 3 Comments

When I dropped Meera off at School/Daycare yesterday, Miss Kristen sat down with her and started coloring. Meera of course grabbed the pink paper an purple crayon (and her friend followed suite) and began coloring. She told me she was “doing this for you papi”. When Heather picked her up, she gave the paper to her and told her “this is for papi.”

Just something I want to remember.
Meera's drawing for Papi


  • Haley says:

    Awww that was so precious! I love your posts Braydon! You should write more often.

  • Ashley McCain says:

    That is so sweet Braydon! A wonderful drawing to remember always!

    I recently read a post on another blog, and was wondering if you or your friends had experienced any RAD with the Haitian adoptions. Is it just something that occurs with the Eastern European adoptions or are Haitian adoptions affected as well?
    I was horrified as I watched the video of this mother punishing her adopted child.
    Here is the blog post…(the video is part of the post):

    • Heather says:

      Ashley, RAD is a serious problem, and a potential problem, in all adoptions. No child, family, country-of-origin, or continent is RAD-immune. If you are interested in adoption at all, RAD and attachment are definitely subjects that you need to do a ton of research on. Every adoptive parent takes on the possibility of dealing with RAD when they adopt a child.
      Thanks for reading,

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