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Meera’s First Pedicure

Posted by | March 07, 2011 | Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Meera's First Pedicure

When I was pregnant and found out I was having a girl I was ecstatic. My whole life I had always imagined myself having boys—but with two of them already, I was thrilled to add a girl to the mix. I had (and have) lots of hopes for an incredible, life-long, mother-daughter bond, but unlike many mothers I know, I never imagined mother-daughter-time spent playing dress-up, or talking about make-up, or getting pedicures together. That is just not my thing and never has been. As a child I was never very “girlie,” never read or saw any of the princess books/movies (let alone dressed up like one!), and never played with dolls. I don’t remember ever wearing a tutu, I know I steered clear of anything pink, and I didn’t have a professional pedicure until I was well into my twenties. I recently asked my parents what they remember me doing with my time as a young girl. They said that I spent most of my time outside playing in my treehouse. That is exactly in-line with my memory of my childhood too.

In the months leading up to Meera’s birth, fully expecting that I’d be having a “tomboy” of a girl, I carefully stored away box upon box of Kyle and Owen’s old clothes. I loved the idea of dressing our little girl in her big brothers’ hand-me-downs. And to be honest, there is nothing that I think is cuter than a little girl in well-worn overalls.

It wasn’t long after Meera’s arrival that I began to realize that I did not have the tomboy that I had imagined I would. Meera was probably about ten months old when she began making it clear what she wanted to wear. She’d point to certain shoes in her drawer, or specific dresses in her closet, and with all of her might she’d let her preferences be known. These early dressing demands came as such a shock to me (especially since Kyle and Owen still, to this day, barely show any preference for anything in regards to clothes and shoes), that, stunned, I immediately started to basically give in to her every whim. Never did I actually think it would stick for the long haul… and of course nothing is set in stone where kids are concerned… but Meera is now a 2-year-old going on 12-year-old with a mind of her own and a strong sense of her own tastes and preferences especially where clothes-fashion-style is concerned. Her tastes and preferences can easily be described in two words: “Girlie Girl.” 

Anyone who knows Meera knows that she is quite the “Girlie Girl,” and despite any efforts I’ve made, she basically rules the roost where her clothes-shoes-jewelry-and-all-accessories are concerned. At this point my strategy is to basically let it be – without pushing it or encouraging it all too much, but also without making a big huge deal out of any of it either. I’m attempting to do a gentle dance with her in the Girlie-Girl culture of pink-frilly-princess-etc. that she so embraces.

Today, for better or for worse, I took Meera for her first professional pedicure. I get a pedicure about 3-4 times a year, I was going to get one today, I knew Meera would love it, and so I decided to bring her with me. It was probably – no kidding – one of the highlights of her life to date. I know my daughter, and let me assure you, she loved the nail salon. She chose pink polish – of course – and she enjoyed every single second of the entire experience. I must admit, it was – for me – probably my most favorite pedicure experience to-date. Like Meera, I enjoyed every single second of the entire experience. On the drive home I kept looking at her in the rearview mirror. She was happily looking out the window and chit-chatting-away to me about fairies and princesses and “pink finger polish at salon!” All I could think was how grateful I am for having my girl in my world, how much she has already changed me, and “what on earth would I ever do without her?”


  • Ani says:

    She’s the perfect mix of sugar and spice!

  • Cheryl Alander says:

    Beautiful! I love it….break her in right. There’s NOTHING like a nice pedicure….

  • Kate says:

    So sweet!! That’s great that you’re going with the flow and allowing her to express herself. My parents are outdoorsy nature gardening types and I’m a more indoorsy crafty person and growing up we did a bit of both. Love the photo above and I was just thinking of the photo of Meera with mud on her belly and there it is in the links reel!!
    – Kate

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