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Today in Highs and Lows

Posted by | April 11, 2011 | Uncategorized | 7 Comments

This morning I took Meera to the Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. Who examined her ears and then immediately scheduled for her to get ear tubes. The surgery will be next month. While it will be a relief to get that done (and hopefully eliminate her recurring ear infections), and the operation is really simple, and we’ve been through it before with Kyle, still… nobody wants to find out that their baby will soon have surgery. That was a low. But then we came home to this:

forsythia Meera forsythia 2

That was a high. The forsythia is blooming and there is yellow bursting at the seams everywhere. After her nap, Meera spent the rest of the day barefoot running around our yard, and we opened up all the windows in our house for the first time this year. It was in the mid-80s and felt like summer-is-on-the-way.

Then the boys got home from school. They were high-strung and agitated and unraveled. Within five minutes of them walking in the door I had to send Owen to his room for sticking his tongue out at Meera. While Owen was confined to his room, Kyle then confessed that Owen had gotten in trouble at school. I soon found out straight from Owen that he had been in trouble with his teacher at least three different (semi-minor, but disrespectful and disobedient nonetheless) times. He was in big trouble with Mama and was ordered to write an apology letter to his teacher and draw her a picture to go with it. Major low. But while Owen was working on that project, there was this in the front yard:



3a 3b

4 5

6  7b

Major high.

And then it was, as usual, a mad frenzied rush to get dinner on the table. There just seems to never be enough time in the day. And the dinner-rush is definitely the hardest part. I think for working moms this might just be the toughest part of the whole ball of wax (at least it is for me). Frantically running a million miles an hour to get dinner on the table for my party of five when I would much rather have been playing outside with the other four members of my family. A low. But, once again, miraculously it often seems, I pulled it off, and dinner did, somehow, make it onto the table (I’m not even entirely sure how). And it wasn’t just any old dinner either. It was our first dinner-on-the-deck of the season. And there was strawberry shortcake for dessert too.

deck dinner

dessert dessert 2 

All is well that ends well. High.


  • Braydon says:

    And somehow, and I don’t really know how, although I know how long, she manages to fit in a lengthy, thoughtful and beautiful blog post. Wow.

  • Ani says:

    I love that no matter how hectic, frazzled or difficult you manage to regroup your beautiful family around the dinner table for a meal every night. Definitely a high!

  • MorMor says:

    What a day! I want to be there in PA… still snow on the ground here in NH. I can’t believe it’s that warm. April dinners on the deck – I am so jealous.
    xo to Meera, Kyle and Owen. Wonderful, beautiful, terriffic – all three.

  • Julia says:

    I don’t know how you do it , working all day long, and still getting a nice dinner on the table!

    Those are the kind of days we just end up ordering in food, and using paper plates!

  • Joanna says:

    We are getting ear tubes next month, as well. We will be thinking of you guys!

  • Julia says:

    I forgot to ask if you are still doing the dinner swap with your friend? I really enjoyed the recipes!

  • Kate says:

    Thanks for sharing this day – it was really great to read and a great scrapbook entry for your kids too! Wishing you all the best for Meera’s ear tubes operation.
    Enjoy the sunshine!
    – Kate

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