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Prayers, et. al. Appreciated

Posted by | June 08, 2011 | Uncategorized | 37 Comments

K happy

Tonight we prayed to God, and to Kyle and Owen’s ancestors, and to their birthmother up in Heaven to please look out for us and give us strength tomorrow. Long story short: very recently we discovered a lump under one of Kyle’s armpits. Tomorrow (Thurs) he is having surgery to remove it. It will be biopsied to determine what it is. We have no family medical history for Kyle and Owen… our doctors, while conservative, are determined to take no chances… and the lump (and its location) are disconcerting… they are being aggressive for our boy. We have the best pediatric surgeon in our area, we have a Heaven-sent pediatrician, and we are grateful. We are calm and optimistic; we are confident that this is nothing serious. But let’s be real: we’re scared out of our minds. Kyle, who has been handling all of this just great, had a very rough nervous-anxious day today. The surgery tomorrow is outpatient, and will hopefully be quick and relatively painless (although requires general anesthesia… and no parent ever likes that). Both Owen and Kyle were absolutely adamant that they wanted Owen to come to the hospital for the day. Although the hospital’s protocol is that no children are allowed for such things, given the scenario, and all things considered (and upon seeing the beyond-close-knit-twinship between K & O at the pre-operative appointment), they did agree that they’d overlook the rules in order for Owen to come. So, the four of us will be going to the hospital tomorrow. MorMor is here to take care of Meera for the day and do daycare drop-off and pick-up (how many times can I say it? Thank God for MorMor). Anyway…  this is all just to say…

Prayers, faithful meditations, uplifting thoughts, and calls to the spirits/ancestors/heavens, ET. AL. would be much appreciated. We know you’re out there reading. Thank you dear readers.

Hopeful in Pennsylvania, ~Heather


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