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Synchronized Hiccups

Posted by | July 26, 2011 | Uncategorized | 3 Comments

During Meera’s nap yesterday Kyle, Owen, and I were at the kitchen table. I was standing up folding laundry while the boys sat at the table doing their summer workbooks (I’ll post about their summer workbooks some other time). All was silent in the house (a rare occurrence); you could hear a pin drop. All of a sudden I heard Kyle hiccup. And then, immediately, another hiccup. I said, “Wow, Kyle, those are some crazy fast-together hiccups!” Without even looking up from his workbook he said, “That one was Owen.” Owen just kept working. Neither Kyle nor Owen get the hiccups often. I looked up from my folding and saw Kyle hiccup again. And then, immediately, Owen hiccup. And then I watched as just a few seconds later they started hiccupping in unison. I said, “You guys are hiccupping at the exact same time!” They just kept going in their workbooks— as if it was nothing. And then, after a while, I noticed that they suddenly both stopped hiccupping— at the same exact time. I pointed it out to them, and again, they acted as if it was no big deal. I can’t even imagine being a twin. But it is totally fascinating to be parenting twins.

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