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First “Friday” Papi and Meera

Posted by | August 03, 2011 | Uncategorized | One Comment

This First Friday represents the last of the first round of First Fridays for our us and the culmination of Heather’s spark of genius for something special for our close knit family. First it was Kyle and Heather, then Owen and Heather, then Meera and Heather.  Then Kyle and me, Owen and me and finally Meera and me.

There is something very special about this ritual we have, something I hope we do for a long time.  Heather and I were talking about it the other day – when we first met, she had thought she would want four kids (all adopted). But having three makes us realize how hard it is to give each one any dedicated 1-on-1 time.

That time is not just important for the kids to have with their parents, it’s equally important for the parents.  We get to see and experience them in a way that we normally don’t.  And seeing them – really seeing them in this way – and them knowing we’re seeing them, is really big.

Of course, with Meera at age 3, we don’t really need to do things like go to fancy restaurants or experience Bethlehem’s first Friday; she would be happy to do pretty much anything.  For our night, we decided to go to Fresh Market, have picnic and visit the Promenade Shops fountains. As we got out of the car to go to the store, Meera said “Papi, this is soooo awesome!

And awesome it was – shopping was a riot – Meera “pushing” and my taking her direction on what we should and shouldn’t get.  I did have to draw the line at the M&M dispenser. Here is what we wound up with:

  1. Lollipops (they are right there when the door opens, how you can you resist?)
  2. Teriyaki chicken wings from the deli
  3. Light cheese (I am not sure what kind it actually was – cow’s milk, small batch)
  4. Herb encrusted salami
  5. Fresh bread
  6. Green grapes (she insisted on the green grapes)
  7. Chocolate milk (guess who picked that) & Root Beer

At the fountains Meera hit the fountains like a crazy woman, playing, running back and forth and loving it. She had to prop bunny up in different places so he could “watch” her and several times I had to make a mental note where he was so that we didn’t lose him. Meera and I both went to town on the food and enjoyed it.

She finally said “Papi, I am done with the fountain” and it was time to call it a good night.

We’re so lucky to live in a place where there are a wide range of food markets including amazing places like Fresh Market, and fountains with clean water running freely for kids to play in.  I watch my daughter shop and play blissfully and am glad for it but also feeling sad that it’s such a privilege that we can have that bliss.

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