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Working mom, castle playground

Posted by | August 20, 2011 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Heather is out of town at a conference this weekend and I am home with everyone. Although we work hard to have an equal relationship, sadly, it’s not. The home stuff is tipped very much, if not fully on to Heather’s plate (and the financial management on mine) We can talk all day long (and do and have and will) about how this happens, why it is, why and how it’s wrong and what we can and can’t do about it. And in the course of that, the kids have to be fed, bathed, clothed, planned for, disciplined and all the other myriad things that have to be done.

All this is to say, that it’s a bigger deal for our family when Heather travels than when I travel. In many ways.

But we are doing well here. We had a great day and while it’s clear all three kids and the husband are missing mommy/Heather, we had fun, got along great and even managed to fit in a trip to get ice cream.

Unfortunately, my camera acumen suffered tremendously today, and all I captured was this…


Coming down the slide from the Castle Playground in Doylestown today. The boys found some other boys to play tag with, Meera played hide and seek with me (and for some unknown reason, while running around inside the castle playground, insisted on calling me “daddy”, which was kinda funny and odd), while I somehow managed to fit myself through the maze inside this structure, which is really a ton of fun.

Tomorrow is bike riding and grocery store, which is sure to be interesting. I have forgotten (or maybe I never really knew) what it’s like to be fully responsible for these three and it’s tough. But it’s also really great and satisfying. Granted, I don’t have to worry about planning anything, so that makes it a whole world easier, and it’s only of the weekend, and it makes me realize more of what Heather is contending with on a daily basis (and by extension many career mothers I believe) and I still appreciate a sense of feeling like a more empowered parent, which is good.

Please don’t rain tomorrow….


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