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Meera’s Missoni

Posted by | September 20, 2011 | Uncategorized | 6 Comments

fashionista 2 fashionista

If you somehow managed to miss last week’s Missoni for Target craze, you can read about it here, here, here, or any other hundreds of places online. I was aware of it (who wasn’t?), and had absolutely no intention of getting anywhere near caught up in it. But I had to make a Target run on Thursday for a bunch of errands, and since Meera was home last week, I took her with me. We walked in the front door of Target at 8:45 am, after having dropped K & O off at school. Given that this was just about exactly 48 hours post-Missoni-launch, in the back of my mind I was definitely curious if our local Target was going to have any Missoni left. Meera, on the other hand, had no clue about Missoni (rightly so— she’s THREE). We grabbed a cart, I put Meera in the kid’s seat, and started digging in my bag for my shopping list. Before I could even get the list out I hear Meera: “Mama! Mama! Look!!!! Looooook!” She’s screeching with a high pitched voice as she does only when she’s most extremely excited. “What?!” I say, and I look up to her pointing enthusiastically and practically jumping out of the cart. I look toward where she’s pointing. And there, set up right at the entrance area to the Target, is a metal rack with about 10 or 12 random pieces of clothing hanging on it, and a hand-written sign taped above it (someone had scrawled with a Sharpie on a piece of paper) that read: “MISSONI – what we have left.” I could not believe it. Thinking that there was no way this could possibly be happening with my THREE year old, I looked back at Meera and said, “What Meera?” She’s wildly pointing and trying to get out of the cart, “Mama! Look! Look! I LOVE IT!” I help her out of the cart and she literally runs to the rack. There are random pieces of Missoni— a size 10 girls jacket; a pair of women’s size XL knit tights; a size 18 month jumpsuit; and…  believe it or not…  a size XS (4-5) toddler girls’ poncho sweater…. which Meera is enthusiastically pulling at, jumping up and down, trying to get off the rack (NO JOKE). “What? You like this?” I say. She’s never seen Missoni in her life (we don’t even have TV, so she’s never even seen a Target ad). “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!” she squeals as she tries to pull it off the hanger. ‘Oh-My-God’ I think to myself, ‘what-is-this-about?!’ I helped her try it on and she ran to the closest mirror she could find. Standing behind her I watched as she admired herself completely. And then she looked up at me through the mirror, smiled shyly, and said, “Mama please can I have it?” I could not resist. She wore it through the rest of the store, took it off only for it to be run through the register so I could pay for it, and then insisted on putting it right back on. She wore it the whole next day, including to a doctor’s appointment that morning, and to a party we went to that night. And she’s been wearing it a lot ever since. Meera’s Missoni.


  • Kate says:

    Meera looks so cute!
    – Kate

  • Poetry says:

    OH BOY! I have a pre teen who was like this as a toddler…she would pick out $400 purses and high end clothes…for ME! I was perplexed (I’m not a girly girl) she is now full force into jewelry, clothes, shoes, and purses (and make up if I would let her LOL). She’s now a full fledged fashionista. Think punky brewster meets project runway. I’m happy to be along for the ride. I’m learning A LOT!

    Meera looks so cute, she has great taste! GO MEERA!

  • Gail McCormick says:

    LOVE that girl! She has inherited all the great color genes from all the artists in the family rolled into one. Now it should be possible to check the world news with a smile. Thank you, Meera.

  • Alex Milspaw says:

    So adorable and absolutely beautiful! The boys look so grown up too. Wow. I’m so happy for all of you. I think of you often. Please send my love to you and the boys. :) Hugs all around!

  • Phyl says:

    I was at Target the other day and looked at the few Missoni pieces that remained but left undecided because there wasn’t much selection and I have two granddaughters. After seeing how cute the poncho was on Meera I returned and got one for Alani and a tunic for Nayeli. I hope they like them as much as Meera does!

  • Gail McCormick says:


    I have to admit that ever since this post when I’m feeling down about climate change deniers I read it again and laugh out loud. Thank you, thank you.

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