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Hudson & Quinn Join the J-Ms!

Posted by | October 04, 2011 | Uncategorized | 11 Comments

kittens - O and M kisses

Sunday we got two kittens! As if our life wasn’t crazy enough… we now have two 8-week-old kittens in the mix, making it just that much crazier.

kittens - fam room - Copy

It was time though. Our cat Cooper died almost a year ago, and his sister Ashley died three years before that. To be honest, it has been really nice not having any pets. Just one less thing in the equation has been nice. But at the same time we missed it—mostly, Braydon and I missed it for the kids; it just seems like the bambinos should have a pet! And the only pets we thought we could muster up the capacity to handle were cats. So, we’ve been looking for kittens.

The other day I saw a “Free Kittens” sign on the side of the road. I stopped, and sure enough, the folks brought out a litter of kittens which included two – I swear it – clones of Ashley and Cooper. All I could think was that there they were: Ashley and Cooper reincarnated, ready to come back and live with us again. I said, “We’ll take ‘em!” And we went to pick them up on Sunday afternoon.

It was a big event. As surely anyone reading this blog can just imagine. Big event. Big big big huge huge huge event for the bambinos.

On the ride home we named them Hudson (a boy), and Quinn (a girl). They are named after the Hudson River and Quinnipiac River— two rivers near us. [Cooper and Ashley, who Braydon and I got while we lived in Charleston, SC, were named after the Cooper River and Ashley River which frame the peninsula of Charleston.]

Upon arriving home the sweet little tiny kittens were played with, held, fed, handled, and generally over-stimulated more than any animal should ever have to be. And yet… these kittens?… they took it all in stride. It is as if these two were made for this crazy family they happened to have found their way into. Yes, it must have been meant to be. It seems they just fit right in.

By bedtime the first night, the kittens were exhausted and very happy for the calm of sitting on two very happy boys’ laps for bedtime books. 

kittens - books

And then?… those two kittens fell fast asleep.

kittens - books asleep

kittens - hudson asleep 2

When it was time to get into bed, Owen and Hudson climbed into Owen’s bed and Kyle and Quinn climbed into Kyle’s. No kidding. The kittens slept with them for the first part of the night… purring up a sweet little kitten storm… and making two boys the happiest two boys on the planet.  This nighttime routine of cat-naps-with-bedtime-books, followed by boys-and-kittens-sleeping-together has happened for all three nights in a row that we’ve had the kittens. Sweet sweet craziness!

As much as it is crazy to bring kittens into this fold, we are so happy to have them. They are just what we needed. Seriously! We needed these kittens to love and be loved by. Owen, especially, is absolutely enamored with the kittens and soaking up every second of the love. And he, especially, is heart-warming to watch with them.

kittens - piano

kittens - O reads kittens - hudson asleep 5

Surely there will be plenty of Hudson and Quinn stories appearing in the days/weeks/years to come! In the meantime, Project #1 = Teach Meera Not To Strangle The Kittens. Fun times here in never-a-dull-moment-land!


  • Kristine says:

    Not really a cat person but even this die-hard dog girl has to admit Owen with those kittens is absofriginglutly adorable! Not sure who is more blessed the kiddies or the kittens.

    I hope to read more about Project #1 …HILARIOUS!


  • Phyl says:

    Absolutely adorable! I love cats and have two. You will give them a wonderful home and they will bring you so much joy!

  • Kate says:

    So sweet!! Love their names and the sleeping shots…my brother is very similar to Kyle and Owen, completely enamoured by pets.
    – Kate

  • tafel says:

    AAah that is too much cute for one blog. Adorable, all of ’em. Glad you got the perfect kittens for Owen & Kyle!

  • Eden Marchman says:

    Yay for kittahs! i was just thinking this weekend it was time for you all to get another pet – lol :)

  • Stacey says:

    I don’t think you’re crazy. We have 3 cats. One was insane when we got him so we had to add a third to keep him busy and not pouncing on the kids’ heads constantly. It worked. Now we also have 2 dogs–a 1 year old Golden mix and a 6 month old Newfoundland (he’s already 67 lbs!) so I think we’re the ones who have lost our minds. Kittens are easy. They don’t track mud into your house, chew up your toys, eat your socks and knock over children. 😉

  • Ashley says:

    Too cute! And the names..I just had to laugh because I’m Ashley, I have a son named Cooper, my new nephew is Hudson and my god daughter is Quinn!
    The kittens are adorable! I’m excited for your kids! Can you tell the kittens apart? They look so much alike!

  • Rose Anne says:

    the kittens are the cutest, makes me miss mine but my little Haitian Sensation has some serious cat allergies! Have fun with them!
    Rose Anne

  • Erin says:

    I couldn’t help but notice that Braydon is still plugging away at Harry Potter with the boys. That makes me happy;)


  • Rebecca says:

    Working in animal rescue, I always get excited for adoptions involving children. I know the pets will be extra loved. How neat to continue the name tradition. My animals came with names, so no cute matching names for my zoo. At the rescue, we just named a litter of rabbits after HP characters. Hope you’re having better luck with with it this try!

  • Kendall says:

    Oh my gosh can I just take this moment to give Braydon props for introducing K & O to the wonderful world of Harry Potter? I´m rereading the 5th book right now in Spanish (yes, I´m 20, but also a huge dork) to practice the language whilst living here in Argentina. I hope you´re all enjoying the reading! Of this and any book that you share together at bedtime. I bet the kittens are enjoying it too! (Ms. Figg is without a doubt their favorite character, yes?)

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