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Satisfactorily Captured

Posted by | October 10, 2011 | Uncategorized | 3 Comments

essence:  es·sence [es-uhns] noun; the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features; the inward nature, true substance, or constitution of anything, as opposed to what is accidental, phenomenal, illusory, etc.

I took it upon myself, this weekend, to try to capture it: the essence of my three, at this phase in time, in photos, as best I could. The camera is so constraining, never quite grasping it, but I’m always up for a good challenge. I also am currently working on a new phase in my own life: the challenge, to myself, to be satisfied with satisfactory (as opposed to constantly striving for optimizing, maximizing, and perfecting). Again, I’m always up for a good challenge (and, oh-my-word is this a challenge for me).

As the weekend ends, and I sit at my computer, the house quiet, and me self-reflective, I find myself smiling at the photos, inside and out. Among the nearly 400 photos I took over the past 3 days, yes indeed there are three for each that satisfactorily capture, in my mind’s eye, The Essence of My Three. No words required. I hope I’ll remember them just like this—at ages 7, 7, and 3—the beautiful and magnificent beings that they are. Gosh, they drive me crazy. And gosh, do I ever love them. Fiercely and fully, I love their essence—each of the three of them for their own unique ways.

And so we move forward, marching into the Fall, each with our own challenges—challenges external pushing upon us, and challenges we bring to ourselves. It is, after all, a new season. The best we can do is embrace it.



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