biotin hair growth

Technical Difficulties

Posted by | December 05, 2011 | Uncategorized | 10 Comments

Meera kitten

Amidst everything else that is going on (and believe me, a LOT is going on; ‘Tis the Season!; and this is, after all, Crunch Time #2 of our Triannual Crunch)… I am now trying to get my bearings with a new computer (which is wreaking havoc on my current blogging capacity since I am probably the least tech-savvy-blogger in the whole entire blogosphere). My computer had been on the fritz for several weeks now, but then became unbearable in recent days as it began totally freaking out on me. Braydon convinced me to go back to a Mac (I had been using non-Apples for the past few years), and although I’m accustomed to iPhone, iPod, and iPad, I’m having a hard time transitioning my blogging over to the new sweet-Apple-computer. (New photo editing programs and processes; new blog editing programs and processes; new everything blog-related.) I will figure it all out and things will be smooth again, eventually. But right now I’m struggling to get a grip. And given the horrible timing (Crunch Time), it throws everything into a big blogging mess. Sorry! I’ll do my best to get up and running ASAP.


  • NJTed says:

    Hey Heather,
    About the PC vs. Mac thing, your husband is right. Microsoft computers and operating systems are far more prone to viruses and spyware. Furthermore the hardware that makes up most PC computers comes from about 10 different sources, but Apple computers on the other hand own most of the hardware that goes into their computers. Apples are far more resistant to spyware and viruses, and they’re built to last. They are a bit more expensive, but they’ll last a lot longer.
    At the beginning of my sophomore year in college, I bought an Acer computer with a Windows XP system and a good processor, through the months is started going slower and slower, and then about half way through my junior year, the hard drive just CRASHED (I came back to my dorm room, and the screen was out and it was beeping constantly), I was so mad because I paid almost $800.00 for that computer. When I told my father about it (God rest his soul), he bought me a new Apple computer for just $600.00, and I’ve had that computer for over 3 years, it is moving a lot slower than it was, but it’s because I got a lot of crap on there that’s gotta be deleted.
    Anyway, I’ve trained myself to use both Microsoft and Apple, but I highly recommend Apple hardware over Microsoft. You can still install some software onto an Apple computer that was originally designed for Microsoft, like Microsoft Word and Excel.
    It was a bit difficult for me to get myself used to using an Apple after being used to Microsoft all those years, but I’m glad I have an Apple.

  • Jackson says:

    Apple computers are the best and least complicated so the transition s houldnot be hard.

  • Kristen says:

    You’ve gone Apple, woo hoo! Don’t worry, once you get used to it you will LOVE IT. It is a bit of an adjustment though. I switched from Windows to Apple during my junior year of college… in the middle of finals, actually (my laptop died suddenly). Boy was that an interesting few weeks! I was literally on the phone with everyone I knew who had a Mac, trying to figure out how to format this one paper correctly, how to check my grades because the website looked different, etc. Haha! Also, love the pic of Meera :) What a sweet goofball!

  • Heather says:

    Apple Fans:
    Don’t worry— I am not a new Mac user. For many years, that is all I used (all through college and graduate school). It is only in recent years (for work reasons) that I switched to the dark side with non-Apple computers (although I still have been an iPhone-iPod- iPad user). I am happy to move back to Apple… but it is my first time *BLOGGING* (and photo editing) on Apple… so there is a learning curve. And I’m a slow techie learner.

  • Molly says:

    Today’s donation on Philanthroper is to buy prenatal vitamins for women in haiti. $1=1 month of vitamins. I thought of your boys and I donated 9 months worth. although I probably should have done 18 months worth, since you have twins!!

  • Rebecca says:

    What a great picture.

  • Julie says:

    We converted to a Mac two years ago and love that we never have a virus, never have a random shut-down, etc. But it did take some getting used to…I will never go back though!

  • Sarah kate says:

    We still love ya HBJ, we’ll be patient 😉

  • Kate says:

    Adorable pic!! No worries Heather, good luck!
    – Kate

  • Yve says:

    I still get Nicki to pull up the ‘screen for me to type into’ AND insert all the pictures,
    you’re miles ahead of me! :)

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