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Sick Day II

Posted by | January 25, 2012 | Uncategorized | 11 Comments

We kept Meera home from daycare yesterday for another day of R&R and TLC. I spent the vast majority of the day with this view:

photo (11)

(photo taken with my iPad, while canceling and re-scheduling and re-arranging my week to cram 5 days of my calendar into 3)

Meera wanted nothing and nobody other than me and my lap. I thought I was going to die a slow death of ‘Torture by Toddler TV.’ It wouldn’t be that bad except for the ever-present-knowledge of the exponentially-increasing-falling-behind-work-load weighing heavier and heavier on the mind with each passing hour. Seriously, this working-mother gig is not for the faint of heart. By mid-day I sent Braydon an email (from my iPad, from precisely the position photographed above) that read: “Update: I am dying here… Between the sick 3-year old, no shower in 3 days, and work piling up… I am over-the-top miserable.”

And then it was –thank God!– time for a nap. She slept for 2 hours while I quickly showered and desperately attempted to catch up on some pressing work things (you know, the kind of work things that you just cannot do from your iPad on the couch with a small sick child on your lap and Strawberry Shortcake or Princess Lillifee darting across the tv screen). She woke up and we resumed our position on the couch.

And then… it happened… that which we always hope for when we cancel everything to clear our calendars in order to place our sick kid at the very tippy top of the list of priorities. The Turn Around. Yes, this time it seems that it might just have worked– all that R&R and TLC– it seems like it did the trick (fingers crosses)– because just like it hit her fast and hard, she turned the corner just as quickly. Suddenly she popped up off my lap and with my iPad I was snapping this:

photo (9) photo (7) photo (8)

She went to school this morning. Along with her brothers (who still –knock on wood– are showing no signs of symptoms). And we all breathed a sigh of relief. We got off easy this time around.

It doesn’t always go like that. But it is sure nice when it does.


  • Laura Fingerson says:

    Hey Heather — I am going back to work full-time! I start Monday (and oh I am so excited I could bust — I can’t wait!!!). My biggest dread is exactly what this entry is about. What will we do when one or both of our girls get sick?! I am even giving my girls multivitamins each morning now, hoping that will stave off at least one cold. It’s probably totally foolish, but it’s the only thing I can think of. I’m almost afraid to kiss them in the mornings when we get them up, because what if they are hot and fevery? So, your blog entry makes me feel better. It reminds me that every working mother (and father) is in this boat and that it always works out, especially when there is wi-fi.

    Death by toddler tv indeed! đŸ˜‰

    — Laura

  • Jackson says:

    Stop whining. You got pregnant and knew what having a child entailed. Too many Americans have no job. It is time to get over the pity party.

    • Heather says:

      I rarely publish mean-spirited comments such as this one. But after talking with Braydon about it, we decided to go ahead and hit “publish” so that readers could see this. It is a great example of the negativity that is almost always thrown at me anytime I post anything whatsoever that is in any way real/raw related to working-motherhood.
      And to the reader, “JacksonWalkerII”: Your hurtful comments come in almost as soon as I’ve put up my posts each day (which, to be honest, is quite scary in and of itself). I’m sure you’ve noticed that I rarely publish what you say. It is very clear that you don’t like my “whining,” so please– stop reading.

  • melissa says:

    Well, I WAS dropping by to say I tried the carribbean cornbread recipe and it was a hit with my family. Thank you for the recipe!

    So sorry you have to deal with such rude, cowardly, meanspirited comments from people who are so obviously unhappy in their own lives they have nothing else to do but harrass strangers.

    I really love your writing and the story of your family. Thank you for being brave and generous and rising above the nastiness.

  • WHAT~! I can’t believe someone said that!! DUDE! Parenting is HARD and we all have to support each other. Its not about working or not working, its about being REAL about the experience of being a mom who also has an outside career. I personally have a child and work from home part time and work outside the house part time, it is not easy and I love, love, LOVE reading Heathers posts because I can relate so well and its imperative that we moms are truthful about our lives and support one another. Whoever you are (and btw, its very, VERY easy to track where people are sending their comments from-name, address, computer ID… so you might want to think about that fact, harassment is harassment pure and simple and quite illegal) Heather, you are an amazing mom and please don’t stop speaking the truth.

  • Kate says:

    Great to see Meera is feeling so much better! I’m sorry that you’re getting bombarded by mean-spirited messages as soon as you express your thoughts, feelings and opinions, it’s really uncalled for. These “keepin’ it real” posts are great! As I’ve said before, I really benefit from reading yours and Braydon’s thoughts on your family’s journey and it’s wonderful to see another transracially adopted family. Thank you for your generosity of sticking with us and keeping your blog open to us all!
    – Kate

  • Gail McCormick says:

    Heather and Braydon (because this has to be painful for both of you),
    Even though the hateful comments are clearly from a troubled person, that doesn’t make them easy to take and knowing that they come regularly is dreadful. You do the very best you can and have every right to feel sorry for yourself on occasion, rare as that is.

  • Yve says:

    What a sad and mean spirited person, I’m sorry he has chosen you as his receptacle for his negativity Heather.

    (ps isn’t it amazing how kids suddenly turn the corner?)

  • rhea paul says:

    I’m just thrilled someone else goes a day without a shower. . .whew!!!! What a relief!!! Thank you, Heather!

  • Hope Stevens says:

    OH my!! I seriously can’t believe someone is so mean….and really, if they don’t like your blog, story or whining then STOP READING! I read a few blogs(yours is my absolute fave. as I can totally relate to you as a working mom!)….and people are mean commenters and I just don’t get it….haven’t they heard the phrase, “If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!”?
    I love to read your blog and love how you are “real”….you have an amazing family and are such an inspiration! I am so sorry people can be so mean!

  • Hope Stevens says:

    Oh, I also don’t think you were whining!! I was just quoting what that mean reader was saying! :)

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