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Bracelets Sold! Big Bucks Made! Even Bigger Bucks Raised!!!

Posted by | April 02, 2012 | Uncategorized | One Comment

Boys Bracelet sales page

The Blog Bracelet Sale was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone!

Kyle and Owen’s bracelets each sold for $75 (wow!!!!). Their original goal was to both make some money for their savings and raise some money for Heartline Haiti. Tonight after dinner they tallied everything up (see above). At the end of it all, here is where they stand:

$75 to K & O (from Kris & Kristen, bracelet sales) + $150 matching gift for K & O’s savings from Gamma = $225 total for Kyle and Owen

$75 to Heartline (from Kris & Kristen, bracelet sales) + $50 donation to Heartline from blog reader Melissa + $150 donation to Heartline from blog reader (and friend from college) Siri + $450 triple matching donation from Siri’s place of employment (!) = $725 total to Heartline Haiti

With these two bracelets two 7-year-old boys made a total of $950. Crazy awesome experience for all of us J-Ms. THANK YOU TO ALL!

Kyle and Owen are especially thrilled, honored, and proud of the $725 they raised “for Haiti.” You should have seen their expressions when they really began to put it together that they had raised that much money. They made a specific point to express that they want to thank ALL who made the Haiti donation happen — a huge thank you to Kris, Kristen, Melissa, Siri, and everyone who made a bid! You’ve made two Haitian-American boys very happy.

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