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Easter 2012

Posted by | April 16, 2012 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

I’m finally catching up with the blog. It has been a week since we got back from our Easter weekend, but it feels like at least a whole month. Way too much happening at way too fast a pace to be a good blogger right now. Eeks.

We spent Easter in Massachusetts again this year. Our kids know no different, and now that we’ve been renting the same VRBO house for the past three years, they know it well and even call it “The Easter House.” The view off the back decks of this place is slightly different, but steadily the same, each year.


It is nice to be able to get to a familiar spot, unload our cars, and focus on the whole reason we make the trip in the first place: The annual pilgrimage to my dad’s side of the family’s roots. It is an honor and a privilege for us all to celebrate Easter with Grandpa Les and his whole side of the family tree.

Easter Whole Group

The whole point of our Easter weekend is the annual re-connecting with this side of the family who we get together with only this one precious weekend per year. It is non-stop action from the minute the cousins all walk through the door, until the minute they all leave. Every year it seems like such a big trip to make, for such a short time, at such a crazy-hectic-frazzled time of the year for us J-Ms. But every year us J-Ms are reminded of how totally worth it the whole thing is when we see these people we love. It is so much fun, and so heart-warming, and just such a good time!

Monkey in Middle 1

And there is the Easter Egg Hunt, of course, which is a major highlight of the weekend for all involved (even those who are getting a tad bit too old to truly believe that the Easter Bunny makes a special trip just for us on Saturday afternoon — I won’t name any names, but I will say this: the 7 and older crowd is growing on up). Despite the increasing skepticism, the Egg Hunt is a huge hit for all ages.

s and a
hunt E 1 hunt G 1 hunt I 1
Hunt Max 1 hunt M 2
hunt big kids at lake
owen kyle
Little Girls hunt M and E

After all that excitement, we then have Easter Day to look forward to. This year, that day went by so fast that it was like a blur. And as I looked through the photos today, a week later, I discovered two things: 1) we took almost zero photos on Easter Day, and 2) the very few photos we did take that day literally were a blur.

baskets all 3 meera blur

It was the best Easter ever. I know I always say that. But I really do mean it.


  • Ann-Elise says:

    We feel exactly the same, Heather! We can’t imagine doing anything else at Easter, and we are so grateful and happy we have this time together every year! Thank you for capturing the weekend and taking such great photos of the kids.
    Love, Ann-Elise, Cathy, Graham and Ivy

  • MorMor says:

    Great pictures. The kids have so much fun! Plus we adults enjoy each other too!

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