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Meera is 4

Posted by | May 30, 2012 | Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Meera's Party

Meera at her Birthday Party, May 27, 2012

On Monday our baby girl turned 4. She had a “wonderful” (her word) birthday party on Sunday afternoon. The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with the people she loves most (her family and her MorMor and MorFar). Her birthday always falls around the long Memorial Day Weekend. It feels like a mini-break-from-reality. I hope she remembers her birthdays as dreamy, love-filled, truly “wonderful” times. They sure are for me. I mean, there is the normal folded in there too — the annoyance that her brothers sometimes provoke, the Mama that frequently runs low on patience, the things that don’t go exactly as hoped/planned… but, Meera’s birthday always seems to feel a bit more dreamy, creamy, and soft-edged than regular day-to-day life. It is a little bit of Meera’s spirit, poured out with a thick froth over a few days. It is nice. It is like a steamy, creamy, frothy, sweet cappuccino on a special day; it doesn’t mean the daily dose of straight-up black French Roast is not great… it just means that the special is noticed. The special is special. I hope Meera always feels truly special.

Birthday party postS (because I’m still due for a big post on K & O’s bday too) coming soon. In the meantime, I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that our baby is now 4. Where does the time go? And how on earth did we ever live without her? I cannot grasp the fact that I spent a whole 36 years on this planet before Meera’s precious little soul was in my life. She is JOY personified. She makes our hearts sing.

Happy Birthday Meera Grace! We are eager to see what is in store for your 4-year-old year, and so honored to get to be part of it.


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