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Breakfast This Morning

Posted by | June 06, 2012 | Uncategorized | One Comment


When Papi is away on work trips I often let the bambinos watch morning cartoons while eating breakfast before school. They had forgotten this special Papi-On-A-Work-Trip-Treat all week. But this morning Kyle remembered it and asked for it. I said yes, of course. So they sat at the counter and ate breakfast and watched Phineas and Ferb while I packed up their lunches. For many weeks now they’ve basically been eating the same thing for breakfast– Kyle daily wants a very large fruit-yogurt-and-wheat-germ smoothie (that’s my choice also, so I make it for us both, and often Owen has one too); Meera usually wants an egg-over-easy (which, at this point, she practically makes herself, with only very little supervision from me); Owen is our Big Eater at breakfast, and always wants some sort of huge hot breakfast that involves 100% real maple syrup — pancakes, french toast, waffles (I sometimes make it for him, but more often we warm it up in the microwave– I buy packages of frozen pre-made breakfast items for him and keep cases upon cases of them in the freezer). But this morning they all surprised me — Kyle and Owen ate cereal and Meera ate a “squeezy yogurt” and they all drank orange juice. Big change is in the air. I see them sensing it and acting on it. Even in the most subtle of ways. They know that school is just about done and we are very close to embarking on the much anticipated, long-awaited, glorious season of SUMMER. We cannot wait to be done with the school year daily grind. I know that come September I’ll be so ready for them to go back. But right now, I’m nothing but ready for them to be done and for our routine to ease up a bit. Only four more school days to go!

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