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Two Big Themes This Summer

Posted by | July 31, 2012 | Uncategorized | 8 Comments

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We are having a really good summer. Despite my very high levels of anxiety-around-our-looming-massive-lifestyle-altering-move and my record-breaking-long-To-Do-lists, we are somehow, the five of us, tighter than ever. And I think the bambinos are — for reasons not entirely clear to me — happier than they’ve ever been. If I had to say what the themes of this summer have been for the three younger J-Ms, I’d say that this summer has been characterized by two big things for them.

1. For Kyle and Owen– Basketball. These guys love sports. And they play a lot of them. But they seem, at least lately, to be really focusing in on basketball as their sport of choice. I’m not sure they would list it above all others (we purposefully never ask them to rank order their favorite sports, and are actively trying to not pigeonhole them early), but if hours-spent-per-day is any indication, basketball is far and away their current sport of choice. These two boys have been playing basketball all summer long. All day, all night, every day, rain or shine, it is basketball basketball basketball. When it is too hot outside they are playing it in the basement in a little hoop they have set up on a door down there. But most of the time they are playing it the driveway. And when I say “most of the time,” I mean– literally, they often wake up, get dressed, and go straight out the door to shoot hoops. Most of the time, most days, you will find them playing basketball in the driveway. Today, I could not believe it– I brought them home after picking them up from basketball camp (they are currently in the second session this summer), and after 7 hours straight of hard-core basketball, they got out of the car, immediately picked up a basketball, and started scrimmaging one-on-one in the driveway. I kid you not. It was about 100 degrees out, they were drenched with sweat, and they were out there playing basketball after having been at basketball camp all day long. I went out there with my camera today and here are some of the pics~~

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And then there is the pool. This summer they want to do nothing in the pool other than play basketball in it. I’m not even kidding.
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2. For Meera– Exhaustion. This is the good kind of tired. The kind that comes from playing ’til you drop. This poor girl is in that difficult in-between-napping stage. She was still napping at daycare everyday right up until we pulled her out for the summer. But on the weekends we were letting her go napless. She was ok as long as she went to bed early on her non-nap-days, and then caught up on sleep during the week at daycare. But now that it is summer, and she doesn’t want to miss out on anything (i.e., she refuses to nap), and she’s in the routine of not napping, and she’s going-going-going, the poor thing is regularly completely exhausted. Don’t get me wrong, she’s happy as can be. And as long as she’s in bed by 6:30pm each night, she’s totally fine. But we can’t always make that 6:30pm curfew for her, and then we pay for it the next day with unprecedented levels of sheer tiredness. Our girl is regularly doing things this summer that she rarely did before… such as… falling asleep in the car in the middle of the day~~
M asleep
…and even falling asleep at the pool (she’s done this twice now– completely unprecedented!)~~
M exhausted 1
And pretty much every night lately, at right around 6pm, regardless of what we’re doing, she announces, “I’m tired.” And then drops everything and says, “Mommy, will you put me to bed?” After years (and still ongoing) of battling her brothers’ at bedtime, this still comes as a complete shock to Braydon and I each and every time she does it.
More than anything, though, the bambinos are having just a good ol’ summer. Their happiness is palpable. I can see it in their faces these days. And it makes me so, so happy.
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