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The Most Magical Place on Earth

Posted by | February 08, 2013 | Uncategorized | 5 Comments

entrance sign

I cannot imagine that anyone — regardless of age, background, political persuasion, or any other variable — could enter Walt Disney World and not be impressed with the magic of it all. To be an adult, and to know that this is a constructed reality, purposefully fabricated to be magical, intended to be uplifting, and to know that one man’s imagination sparked it, and hosts of thousands of “Imagineers” and “Cast Members” have concertedly — and continue to — perpetuate it… it is just plain mind-blowing and awe-inspiring. You can’t help but to be overcome with it, even if you don’t want to be. The only other place that Braydon and I have experienced something similar is Paris, France. When you go to Paris, you fall in love with it, even when you conscientiously don’t want to (I speak from firsthand experience on that one). Walt Disney World is pure magic.

arriving at magic kingdom

Seeing it through the eyes of a child adds a whole other layer to it. If you’re as lucky as me, and you got to go there as a child yourself, then you recall so easily what it was like to be there as a kid. And then you see you own kid there. And you can’t help but to be overwhelmed with it all.

Our three children have always been people who are right at the surface. You can easily engage them. They are open to the world. They connect to people and places freely and easily and quickly. Experiences are really deeply experienced by them. That is something I’ve always admired about my kids, and I try to learn from them how to be better at being in the world like that.

Life is lived to the fullest with the bambinos. So Disney — a very rich and full experiential place — is taken to the max with them. Being in the world of Walt Disney with Kyle, Owen, and Meera is magic in and of itself.

Here is Owen at Disney at age 8:

Owen on bus


Here is Kyle at Disney at age 8:



Here is Meera at Disney at age 4:

G Meera Big ThunderG Meera Minnie GirlG MEERA 2

Here are the J-Ms at Disney in 2013:

fam at tomorrowland

Up next: Princesses and Parades!


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