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Lehigh International Bazaar

Posted by | April 15, 2013 | Uncategorized | 3 Comments

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Yesterday was Lehigh’s 26th Annual International Bazaar. We had the best time.

Again, as with many other events (most recent example, Spring Fling), in years past our family had never attended the International Bazaar. I remember hearing about these things and always thinking, “Wow, I’d love to bring my kids to that,” but then when push came to shove we rarely did. It just seemed like too much hassle to pack everyone up, make the drive in (even though it was only 20 minutes), and take the risk of the thing being a total flop. Plus, to be honest, on the weekends I usually felt like I wanted to stay away from Lehigh and not run into students/faculty/staff.

I feel really differently about it now. Living here, it is so easy for us to just go do it. It is right in our backyard, our kids are 100% comfortable here, and there is no hassle. If it is a total flop, we can easily find something else to do or just go home. And I’ve done a 180 in my feelings about meshing (or not meshing) “work” and “home.” I’m feeling totally seamless in my ‘work-home-self’ these days; it is all running together; and I’m finding that it is much easier for me this way than in trying to separate it all out. And so, more often than not, we decide to just go for it. I’m so glad we went for it yesterday!

It was a really good time. We ate so much great food (we marvel in our kids’ willingness to try it all — and try it all we did — and it all we ate! the bambinos cannot get enough of this stuff!). We heard/saw great entertainment. We ran into so many of our favorite students. We had so much fun. The bambinos were in their glory loving every minute of it. Kyle, especially, was in heaven. “Mommy!,” he kept saying to me, “this is MY KIND OF THING!” “Mommy!,” he kept saying, “I love this!” He is all about soaking up everything he can in/about/of other cultures. This boy is a diversity junkie if I ever knew one. He is all about it. Kyle’s current obsession/fixation is where he’ll go for study abroad (“Mommy! What will I do?! There are just so many places I want to go!”). I’ve assured him we have a solid 12 years before we have to figure that out.

It was a beautiful day and we were so glad we went. Kudos to the Office of International Students and Scholars, all of the many student clubs and organizations who contributed to making the day amazing. Thank you from the J-Ms!

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