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Blogging Yuckiness

Posted by | June 11, 2013 | Uncategorized | 54 Comments

Hi My Dear Blog Readers,

So, I’ve been MIA. The truth is, a lot has been going on (what else is new?!), but that really isn’t the main reason behind my lack of blogging. On Meera’s birthday (May 28) I posted a short post. I got a horribly nasty mean comment to that post from an anonymous person who used a fake email address to post the comment. It basically eluded to what a terribly spoiled little brat Meera is, and how awful it is that we have a racially diverse group of folks at her party. Of course, I trashed it immediately. But, unfortunately, sometimes these things hit me hard, and stick, and my feelings were bashed, and it took the wind right out of my sails. It is hard to blog knowing that very aggressive and mean-spirited people are out there scrutinizing every post with 100% anonymity.

People who don’t blog probably cannot imagine what this aspect of blogging is all about. We put ourselves out there, make ourselves so vulnerable, and then every once in a while we get slammed hard by someone out there in the universe who simply wants to hurt us. Granted, we have thousands of readers, who post positive things MUCH more often than the rare nasty comment. But still, those comments do come, and for me it is hard to get back up over and over and keep on blogging in spite of it. I’ve posted many times on this blog about this dilemma. And then I just keep going. I’ll do the same this time. But I’m just being honest: it ain’t easy.

Luckily I have my mom. She’s my #1 Blog Reader. And honestly, whenever I truly consider giving up the blog, I think of her, up there in New Hampshire, with her iPad, checking in to our site, and I decide to keep blogging. It is hard to have a long-distance mom-daughter relationship. It is even harder to have a long distance grandchild-grandmother relationship. One of the things that I think have contributed to having it work out a little tiny bit well for us so far, is my blogging. That’s the honest truth. The blog is for me, it’s for my bambinos, it’s for you (readers of all varieties, who get all sorts of things from reading here). But the honest truth is: the blog is in large part for MorMor.

She’s chomping at the bit to see a great big blog post showcasing Meera’s 5th Birthday Party in all its glory. I’m trying hard to get up the gumption to get over that horribly mean comment, force my creative juices to get flowing, and blog it. It is hard to put it out there knowing that the mean nasty person (the one who wrote such hurtful things to the May 28th post) is probably out there reading. But I’ll choose my mom over that person today and everyday.

So, today, while I’m sitting at Meera’s weekly 1.5 hour gymnastics class, instead of reading the manuscript I should be reading (I have a big review deadline looming), I will instead put work aside to begin to sort through the many, many pictures of Meera’s festivities. And I’ll start formulating how I’ll post about that amazing day in our lives. I know my mom, for one, will love reading it and pouring over each and every photo.

Thanks for hanging in there with me,



  • Kate says:

    Dear Heather,

    From a person who you do not know — who has been reading along since 2009 (going back through the archives) you know how much your blog means to me and why — and I hope you will stick with this blog until it no longer feel right — and I totally respect that is your decision (I just hope to have a bit of time to download some of the posts I wish to keep as resources!…I probably should get around to doing that soon!!)

    I am absolutely appalled by the behaviour of this spiteful person and may they learn that there is no space for jealousy and resentment and to try to seek happiness within their own life.

    Standing along with you all, on this crazy Blogging journey….

    – Kate

  • NJTed says:

    Hi Heather,
    Sorry I haven’t kept up in awhile, that just sickens me that someone was not only bashing your beautiful family but was making racial slurs. Heather, you and Braydon are some of the most self-less and kind people I know, even though I never met you in person, just reading your blog indicates to me that you are a genuine, pleasant, and loving family. I know that no family is ever perfect, but having family members and guests of different cultures is not a flaw of any kind.

    I’m sure that person is reading the many comments in this thread, so let me just inform that person that in a few years, I will hopefully have a family with adopted kids from four continents, and I will be blogging about it too. When that happens, if they wanna put those kind of comments on my blog, they can fire away, they’ll get deleted, but they can leave them. Until then, I’m going to warn this person stay off of Heather and Braydon’s blog, and keep their racial slurs to themself.

    I hate sounding hostile on other people’s blogs, but nothing angers me more than racial put-downs. Heather, if you need to delete this comment too, I’ll understand, but just know that I’ve got your back. I look up to you and Braydon, and your blogs are always inpiring. Also, Happy Birthday Meera!!!

  • Jennifer says:


    I found your blog by chance last week when doing research about our vacation and the sea turtles at Harbor Island. I was so impressed with your family that I have gone back to the beginning and have spent WAY more time reading your blog than actually doing something productive at work! Your family is adorable. The way you teach your children lessons about what is really important in life,……that it’s family, friends and memories…NOT stuff that make life worth living. I love reading every adventure and have teared up more than once! Please don’t let some foolish person, who, truth be told is probably jealous of the love you and your family share. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog and love “getting to know” your family. From a mother to a mother, you do a great job with your kids! Hold your head high!!

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