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A Whole New Era (and The High Of My Week)

Posted by | July 20, 2013 | Uncategorized | 6 Comments

reading on beach

Anyone whose ever known my boys, or even observed them from a distance, knows that they are go-go-go all-all-all the time. We joke that they “only have two speeds: a million miles an hour, or asleep” (we joke, but alas, it is 100% the Gospel Truth). They are, and have always been, off the walls– running, jumping, climbing, at full speed and at full volume, all day long, every single day. The only exception is when they are sick (or watching a movie). Truly.

So… it should be obvious why the above scene was a game-changer, life-changer, mind-altering, truth-defying moment.

I had them (all three of them) reading on the beach with me. Now, granted, I bribed them with ice cream. And I told them that if they didn’t do it, we’d have to go do our reading time “back at the beach house” (i.e., leave the beach), but still, it happened. And it wasn’t a horrible disaster, or misery for any of us, or anything like that. It was — even K & O admitted — “kinda ok” (Owen) and “actually very relaxing” (Kyle).

It only lasted about 15 minutes. And then they were back to running at full tilt, chasing waves at full speed, noise at maximum volume. But it was a beautiful and hope-inspiring and awe-filling 15 minutes.

A baby step, yes. But folks, this ushers in a whole new era.

I’m sure that if I’m lucky enough to have a day sometime far in the future when we’re all sitting on the beach reading together, I’ll fondly reminisce about the days when they were little and non-stop energy from the minute they woke up until the minute they fell asleep. So, I know that these things are bittersweet. But for that moment this week, reading on the beach with them for the first time ever, it was all sweet.

reading on beach 2reading on beach 3


  • MorMor says:

    Very glad you got a picture of them reading or I wouldn’t have believed you!!! XO

  • Gloria says:

    I can totally relate to this post! Our kids are 6, 8 and 10 and we finally have extended moments where they all can sit quietly engaged in individual activities. Never thought the day would come!

  • Kristen says:

    How lovely :)

    Are you reading My Sister’s Keeper? I could tell just by the few lines on your Kindle. What do you think of it?

    • Heather says:

      Kristen, yes! I was reading that. Have finished it now. Awesome book!!! Loved it! Did you read it? What did you think? –hbj

      • Kristen says:

        Yup, I read it back in college. It was definitely an awesome book, and with a crazy ending if I remember correctly. :) Did you know they made a movie based off of it? I didn’t think the movie lived up to the book (as usual, ha!) and it was also a little challenging to watch because it was such a visual depiction of the horrors of pediatric cancer.

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