biotin hair growth

Snapshots of Happy

Posted by | July 30, 2013 | Uncategorized | 6 Comments




  • MorMor says:


  • Kristen says:

    I love BOTH of the pics! But the second one is truly a beautiful photograph. Well done! Love the leading lines… that’s something I would get blown up and framed. :)

  • Carolina says:

    so much happiness!

  • Patrice says:

    The 2nd picture is really cool. Looks like they are running free in a beautiful tropical jungle.
    What kind of sunscreen do you use on the kids ?

    • Heather says:

      re: sunscreen —- Thanks for asking! This is not something most people talk about or ask about —- We have always been big on sunscreen, even for the boys (a lot of people think black kids can’t/don’t burn, but that is not true, and also a lot of people think black people don’t get skin cancer — also not true). Ever since getting severely sun-burned a couple times as a tween/teenager, I am HUGELY serious about sunscreen. I’ve always bought the really “good” very expensive stuff. We usually use SPF 50, and the most “water-resistant” I can find (which is, usually 80 minutes– although we find it lasts several hours). And we always do cream for the faces, and spray for the bodies (Braydon and I started using the spray sunscreens years ago when they first came out, and have been using them ever since). But this summer we have experimented with the cheaper ‘store-brand’ sunscreens (since we’re here for so long, we’re going through a TON of sunscreen), and –interestingly enough– Meera (the sunscreen connoisseur) thinks they are better! She likes they way they feel going on, and likes their smell better. And we’ve noticed no difference in their quality. So, from now on, it is going to be the cheaper versions! LOL! In the northeast we don’t worry as much about the boys, but in the south or the Caribbean we’ve always been big on sunscreen — even for them. Our routine is to apply in the morning, before even leaving the house/hotel room/wherever we are. We are big on applying, then waiting a solid 15-30 minutes before going into the sun. With the boys we rarely re-apply. With Meera we usually re-apply around noon (or after lunch). So far, this summer, no sunburns! Which is a big deal because this is some serious sun here in SC!!!! đŸ˜‰ p.s. re: the photo– they are running in a beautiful tropical jungle. It is Hunting Island State Park here in the South Carolina Sea Islands.

      • Patrice says:

        Thanks for the helpful information. I’m still buying the pricey stuff because I’m just so scared of all the supposedly cancer causing chemicals in the others. Right now we use Badger, but we go through the little bottles and tubes so fast with 4 bambinos that we end up spending a fortune,haha! We can’t seem to win. According to some experts, either the sun will cause cancer, or the chemicals that we apply to our kids’ skin. My kids are biracial, and their skin tans really fast, but i still slather them in sunscreen and try to keep them out of the strong sun during peak times.

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