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20 big years and 3 crazy kids

Posted by | September 10, 2013 | Uncategorized | 16 Comments


20 years ago, right about now (10pm), on this exact date, at a party in the dorm-room of mutual friends of ours, at Colby College, both starting out our senior year, Braydon and I met for the first time. It was love at first sight. I know, I know, so cliche. But sometimes, so true. We left the party holding hands.

We’ve had our moments (and our months, and our years), but held hands through thick-and-thin ever since.

We’ve had grad school days of eating on a shoe-string-budget (baked potatoes for dinner! way-too-many-a-night!), and studying ’till 2am (while every other 20-something we knew was rockin’ the Boston bar scene), and years and years of working our tails off to slowly inch toward our independenty- and mutually-set goals and aspirations.

We’ve danced at our own (glorious, delirious) wedding and the beautiful weddings of at least 30 other couples that are our nearest and dearest.

We’ve got two doctorate degrees, a technology company, tenure at a Top-50 university, one of us has a couple of thousand of LinkedIn connections, and one of us has zero LinkedIn connections.

We’ve spent a ton of time in therapy. We’ve spent a ton of money on school loans. We’ve spent way too many hours over-analyzing every little thing.

We’ve had fabulous vacations and we’ve explored the vineyards and wineries of Burgundy, and we’ve protested things and fought for things we believe in and sometimes decided to just flow with the current.

We’ve had, and have, lots and lots of wonderful friends and acquaintances and relationships and neighbors and family members and people who have come into our lives for short spurts or long-spells.

We’ve spent a lot of money on baby shower gifts, and we’ve been showered exponentially by the baby gifts graciously given to us.

We’ve shoveled snow and dealt with poorly-engineered gutter systems, and jumped into swimming pools and lakes and oceans, and we’ve held each other while vomiting and crying and jumping up and down in celebration and cunvulsing with sobs with the tragedy of losing people that we love.

We’ve faced fears and adversities. We’ve met challenges, and we’ve failed. We’ve screwed up and made mistakes and we have surpassed (already) and expectations we ever had for ourselves.

We’ve confessed our inner-most thoughts and fears and insecurities. We’ve cheered each other on and held down the fort to overcompensate in order to get the other through a thick spot.

We’ve taken on hobbies, and let them drift off. We’ve read books that we’ve spent hours discussing, which we’ve now long forgotten we ever even read.

We’ve fought so hard and so long that we felt weak and famished and completely drained when it was finally over.

We’ve felt what it feels like to accomplish big huge things together.

We’ve lived in a bunch of places together, owned two houses together, moved onto a different-college-campus-than-the-one-we-met-on together.

We’ve had ups and downs and winter seasons and summer seasons and dry spells and richly elaborately charmed spells.

We’ve got a lot together.

But of course, the biggest thing we’ve got together are our three crazy kids. We love this trio with a wild abandon and fierce attachment. Way past babyhood and we still just cannot stop taking their pictures and marveling at their greatness and grandness and at our gratefulness for them in our life together. Oh, and yes, we’ve sometimes (oftentimes) pulled our hair out together at their infuriating antics.

As of right now, we’ve got 20 big years and 3 crazy kids together.

There is never a dull moment. And that’s how we like it. It is messy, but we are going strong.


  • Lori says:

    Love it. Love you guys so much. Xo

  • Jen says:

    Great post. Happy engagement day!!

  • Nicola says:


    This is why I read your blog, even though I’m a 20 something student, probably not your target demographic. Because it’s real and imperfect, and as a Type A who tends to put perfection on a pedestal (then scrutinise my own, wonderful but clearly imperfect relationship/life in general) , that’s a rare gift.

    Thanks and Happy Anniversary xx N

    • Heather says:

      Thank you N!
      And just to assure you— We don’t have a target demographic. And we have a lot of 20-something readers! đŸ˜‰
      Thank you for reading,

  • BerlinBound says:

    Congratulations, Heather and Braydon, on 20 incredible years! May the next 20 be as amazing or even better! Greetings from Berlin, Germany!

  • stina says:

    I can still remember the exact moment when you told me about that magical moment of your love at first sight! Congratulations and cheers to 20 more happy, adventurous years :) xoxo

  • Rachel says:

    As a long-time reader of your blog and a newly-wed of one month, I love this post and reading about the incredible journey you’ve been on. It fills me with excitement for my own journey! Congratulations on 20 years of being in each other’s lives! Rachel from Toronto :)

  • Glady says:

    Happy Meetversary BrayTher :) yeah you got a new name :) love from Beantown.

  • Hope says:

    Heather and Braydon, congratulations on 20 years together and raising 3 adorable and wonderful children. What a blessing! There is no blog I enjoy reading more than yours. I appreciate your candidness, openness, and making yourselves vulnerable at times. We are human, and we all have our ups and downs. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

  • Cate says:

    Happy 20 years! The only flaw of the J-M’s, in my opinion, is location. If you lived near us out in Oregon, I would love for our kids to play together, but sadly, we don’t venture that far east very often. I love your blog though and have followed your story since long before Meera arrived.

  • Rachel S says:

    Congratulations on twenty years!!! Well wishes for many more years ahead!

  • Lindsey says:

    Happy Anniversary and many more to come! Your relationship is inspiring and your candidness is a breath of fresh air.

  • Candis Gillett says:

    Congratulations on your achievements (and your losses because they make the achievements possible). Bless you both for your horse sense and stamina. Finally, thank you for putting it out there for us to peruse–your gift to those who would accept it.

  • June says:

    So beautiful!

  • Kate says:

    Congratulations Heather and Braydon! (I know it’s super late!) Here’s to 20 + more amazing years ahead!
    – Kate

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