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Random Notes: Eggs & Bowling

Posted by | October 28, 2013 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments


Kyle and Owen used to eat a ton of eggs when they were babies/toddlers. When they first came home from Haiti, they had pretty severe iron deficiencies. Eggs were a major source of iron for them and — believe it or not — they’d eat 2-3 eggs (sometimes 4) a day, each, every couple of days, when they were 10-11-12 months old. They loved eggs! (scrambled! hard boiled! over easy! omelets! any which way!) I was buying two dozen eggs a week for a good long while. Their big egg intake went on, until, at about age 3, it suddenly dropped off, and then — over time — they actually became fully repulsed by eggs. Sadly, this was the result of the daycare they attended when they were that age. The daycare often made “fake eggs” for the kids for breakfast (powdered, or some sort of egg mix of some sort). It killed K & O’s love of eggs. Ever since, they’ve been egg averse. Their egg aversion lasted for years. And I often wondered if it was going to last a lifetime. But about six months ago they started dabbling in eggs again. And they’ve built up their love for eggs again. And now, I’m back to buying two dozen eggs a week again.

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Meera is on the birthday party circuit big-time these days. Since school started she’s already gone to three birthday parties, and we have more on the calendar. Braydon and I take turns bringing her (although, truthfully, Braydon does a lot more than 1/2 of these). Sunday was my turn though. It was a bowling birthday party. I took the two photos above with my iPhone and they just totally crack me up!


  • MorMor says:

    Meera and her little friend look like professional bowlers working on a strategy! Cuteness!

  • Kate says:

    Glad to hear they are back to eating Eggs, those “Fake Eggs” sound awful!! So cute seeing Meera at the bowling alley – wow that’s a lot of birthday parties to attend, good luck to you all!!
    – Kate

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