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Top Ten: Lessons Learned From Our First ‘Special Dress’ Day

Posted by | October 08, 2013 | Uncategorized | 11 Comments

special dress

Today is the first “Special Dress” day of the year at the Swain School. These happen every-so-often for special occasions at the school. They are clearly marked on the school calendar, so we know well in advance when they will happen. These days require the special, more dressy version, of the school uniform.

The bambinos looked very dapper as they headed off to school this morning. Not so much Mommy and Papi. No. We were frazzled, befuddled, basket-cases, who felt like we had already run a marathon by 7:30am. We were schooled in a few things before the bambinos even left for school today. Here is a Top Ten List of what we learned this morning:

  1. Don’t make the monumental mistake of thinking you can pull off a Special Dress day by having everyone get up at the usual time; Set all alarm clocks at least a full hour earlier for Special Dress days.
  2. Meera hates (as in, sobbing, crying, hot mess HATES) the required “white long sleeve, button down collar oxford shirt.”
  3. A mini Hershey’s bar works as excellent bribery in cases such as #2 above (note what Meera is holding in her right hand in above photo). Note to self: be sure to have chocolate in the house for Special Dress days.
  4. Dress shoes are much less comfortable than sneakers (we already knew that, of course, but all three bambinos found it imperative that we have that drilled into us repeatedly this morning).
  5. 9-year-old boys with weak fine motor skills cannot — as in, absolutely, truly, 100% can not — tie their own ties (that includes neck ties and dress shoe lace ties).
  6. 9-year-old boys with ridiculously strong gross motor skills cannot refrain from jumping up and down (practicing their imaginary bball jump shots), and thus pulling their shirts out from being tucked into their pants, over and over and over and over. New rule (at least until you’re able to tuck in your own shirt to your khakis-with-belt-on) now established for the J-M boys: No Jump Shots on Special Dress Days. Period.
  7. On Special Dress days, feed them breakfast before getting them dressed.
  8. On Special Dress days, have them brush their teeth before getting them dressed.
  9. Don’t take a shower, have coffee, eat anything, check email, look at the weather forecast, or do anything otherwise unfocused on the bambinos and their uniforms on Special Dress days.
  10. On Special Dress days always leave the puppy in his crate until the bambinos have left the building.

In the future, I think we should probably consider planning to take the day off from work on Special Dress days. It is that exhausting. I need a mimosa. Instead, I’m headed off to work. Heaven help us!


  • Nikki says:

    Ha! Heather, This made me LOL because most of these special”rules” you have for special dress day are things we already follow for our everyday dressing! All our kids have always eaten breakfast and brushed their teeth before getting dressed. I’ve learned my lesson well after I used to have to change their outfits several times before school. Our big dogs are always let outside at breakfast or walked by one of the kids in their sweats before getting dressed for the day.
    Your crew looks terrific all dressed up. One tip for the boys is to loosely “tie” their ties the night before and then all they have to do is pull it tight once its over their necks/shirts. New dress shoes are always uncomfortable. You can have a shoemaker stretch the leather a bit to ” break it in” for them. Miss Meera might not like the tightness of the sleeves. My 4 yo daughter complains about a similiar style shirt, but I just tell her its a princess style shirt and as a diehard princess fan, she totally buys that. Haha. Hey, but chocolate always seems to do the trick, too! Here’s to much smoother dress up days!

  • Carolina says:

    I feel guilty for laughing. What a great looking group :)

  • Kate says:

    Oh my goodness — this reminds me of the British School uniforms from my UK based cousins and even in my own British School that I went to from Grade 1 to Grade 10 — it was completely uncomfortable and inappropriate for Elementary school and such a pain to shop for those “dress shoes” when both my Brother and I have unusual feet (mine very slim, and his very wide — so dress shoes for children, don’t fit well).! So glad you guys only have certain dates to dress up like this. Hope they had a wonderful Special Occasion — look forward to hearing how it went! And oh my goodness I am just tired reading this — can imagine how you feel – a medal to you and Braydon for getting through it!! Hope next “Special Dress Day” goes smoothly with these new learnings đŸ˜‰ Bon Courage!!
    – Kate

  • Susan says:

    Wow, I had no clue how much work goes into dressing three rambunctious children.. Shows how little I know.. But gosh, they look so darn cute/handsome! :) you’ve got three very photogenic and adorable children!

  • Ani says:

    What a great looking bunch!
    My high school had (still has!) an all white uniform for first Fridays and special events. Literally: white button down shirt, white vest, white pleated skirt and white dress shoes. I still cringe thinking about it and I can hear my mom yelling at me to stay away from the dusty car so as not to dirty the uniform. Poor poor bambinos, my sympathy goes out to them :)

  • Nancy says:

    It gets easier- & second nature for the kids. Believe me, after 11 years of weekly chapel/dress uniforms I don’t even think of it – the kids know what Thursday means ans prep their uniforms the night before. They look terrific!!

  • MorMor says:

    Laughing like crazy over this post! You are such a good writer HBJ! XO

  • Hope Stevens says:

    Sorry to laugh at this, but it really made me laugh! I can imagine what this might be like–I have a hard enough time getting my two out the door in “play” clothes! Next time maybe you can get up earlier and have an extra big cup of coffee!? In all seriousness, the kids look great-hope they had a great day( and you too!)

  • Maggie says:

    Oh Heather, I am literally laughing so hard I am crying. I can just picture all of this. I’m sorry it was so stressful, but this is just such a great story. I showed Eric the picture of the kids and without reading your post he said, “Oh god, that looks like a project!” Ha! xoxo

  • Gloria says:

    When I saw the picture of the kids my first thought was, “Oh dear, it looks like Meera has been crying.” I don’t know her at all of course, but she just had that look. Then I read #2 on your top 10 list!

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