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This Week at LU

Posted by | November 08, 2013 | Uncategorized | 12 Comments


It has been quite a week here at Lehigh. On Wednesday morning we woke up to discover that something horrible had happened that night. Someone had spray painted the “N Word” on, and egged, the Umoja House– a multicultural-themed residence hall at Lehigh. The U House is just a few doors down from the residence hall in which we live, is a sort of second “home” for many of the students we are closest to here, and is a well-known symbol of diversity on Lehigh’s campus.

I knew this week was coming; I knew something like this would happen at some point; it was just a matter of time… but still… there is no way to prepare, there is no way to know when it will hit, and when it hits there is no way to stop it from feeling like being kicked in the gut. We are living on a college campus, in the real world, and bad things happen. The Umoja House incident crystallized a lot of anger, fear, discontent, and frenzied frustration on Lehigh’s campus. It was like throwing a lit spark an already agitated, heated campus. There was no way, in living here, that we could protect Kyle and Owen from this.

Meera is still young enough to have a lot go right over her head. We chose not to tell her about it. She still seems too young to grasp any of it with meaning, and we were concerned it would simply scare her. So, we have kept her from knowing about it.

Kyle and Owen, however, are a different story. Nothing gets past them and they are wise — and socially savvy — well beyond their years. Many students who they are close with were deeply impacted, emotional, and overwhelmed. We knew that Kyle and Owen were going to find out what was going on, and we wanted them to hear it from us first.

I sat them down after school on Wednesday, and told them. I gave them the facts as straight-forwardly as possible: “Last night something horrible happened. Someone threw eggs at the Umoja House. And they also painted, in red paint, the word ‘Nigger.’ It is a terrible, awful thing.” Kyle’s immediate response: “It is a racist thing.” “That’s right,” I said.

Their first concern was their own safety. I knew that would be where they went first with it, and I was prepared for it. “Nobody was physically attacked, nobody was injured. This is violence and hatred, but not of physical violence.” They wanted to know if anything was broken or if there was burglary. “No, only hearts were broken. And no, there was no burglary.” “Good,” they said. “Where were the LUPD?” they wanted to know, “Did they see it happen?” “No,” I said, “but they are working hard to find the people who did it.” “This isn’t going to happen to Sayre B, right? We are safe, right?” I assured them, as best I could, and with some trepidation, that yes, we are safe. “But,” I said, “I don’t want to keep this from you. I want to be honest with you. I want you to know that this happened.”

Owen said that if he had been in the Umoja House when it happened, and if he had seen the people doing it, he would have yelled at them: “If you’re gonna throw eggs at me, cook ’em so I can eat ’em!!” The boys laughed and laughed at that. Owen said that the next thing he would have done was gone outside with his “two swords” (from his Halloween knight costume), and “scare them away.”

Kyle wanted to express his opinion. He was outraged about it. “It is white people who did this. Obviously.” He wanted a response from me: “Yes,” I said, “I agree, it is very probably white people who did this.” “It is racists,” he said. “Yes,” I said, “it is racist. Racism exists. There is no getting around it.”

They wanted to be assured that justice would be served– that the people who did it would get in trouble. They wanted to know that if students were caught, they would be expelled. I assured them. And they wanted to know what was being done to help the students in the Umoja House. I told them that about how that morning, while they were in school, Mommy and Papi had gone out to get bagels and cream cheese for the Umoja House kids, and that we had dropped them off with a note. They were very happy about that. And I told them that the whole campus was upset all day, and that a protest rally was being planned for that night. I told them I wanted them to go to the rally with me. And they jumped at the chance.

I wanted them to see that while there are, indeed, some bad people in this world who do the wrong things, there are also many, many good people in this world who do the right things. I wanted them to see that while there are still young people who feel entitled to express their hatred and racism in the most horrific ways, there are also masses of young people who want to support values of equity and justice, who want to uplift victims of oppression, and who want to change the world to be a better place. I wanted Kyle and Owen to know that as young black boys, there are many, many people — of all races, religions, and orientations — who are in their corner and who have got their back. I wanted Kyle and Owen to see people they know and love stand up to fight — in a peaceful and intelligent way — against racism.

So, we went to the rally on campus that night. And they saw it all.

As the crowd was forming, Kyle and Owen could see the numbers (over 1,600 people) and feel the electricity running through the crowd.


They saw many, many students they know and with whom they are close. They gave, and got, lots of hugs. But they knew it was serious, and they took it seriously, and I was proud of how they handled themselves. This photo (below) — of K & O with our friend Ralph — is just profound for me. It sums up the entire experience of that night. Ralph is a Haitian-American student I’ve had in two semesters worth of classes, and is an organizer of the movement on campus that coordinated the rally and a million other things to spear-head social justice on this campus in recent months. This picture brings tears to my eyes each and every time I see it. Complex tears, for my boys, and for Ralph, and for all the others in their positions. A picture tells a thousand words.


When the rally got started Kyle and Owen saw some of their favorite students up on the stage, leading the crowd, in articulating protest. I was so proud of my students for showing my boys how to do this, and do this well.Rally

And Kyle and Owen saw and heard so much that night. Things I wish they never would need to hear. But things that, unfortunately, they do need to hear. Keeping it from them only serves as a disservice to them. And if they need to know — which they do — then, I believe, there couldn’t be a better way.

Rally RallyRally

So, we walked together through that day, and that rally, and through this week. Kyle and Owen learned so much from this experience– as did we all. And they are learning so much from living here– as are we all.Rally

Thank you to Christa Neu, Lehigh Photographer, for all of the photos in this post.


  • Danny Greenawalt says:

    My heart is broken for the continued mess and yet encouraged to see 1600+ people respond! The U-House is such a special place to me and I pray that it’s mission will only strengthen through this awful trial.

  • Gail McCormick says:

    Kyle and Owen do need to know what the world is like unfortunately but the wonderful response on campus should at least be reassuring. It’s a tribute to you and Braydon that they are so strong that they can handle the horror of it.

  • Nicola says:

    This breaks my heart,

    But in part (and please don’t take this the wrong way, what happened was truly awful, awful) I’ve often thought that horrible unjustifiable behaviour (racism, sexism, violence) is intended to make the victim feel like they’re alone and unsupported. It’s highly unusual that one of the first times your boys encounter overt racism, it is called out and paired with an association of a huge group rallying against it. Compared to my (limited) experience, the kids I work with encounter racism in a way which makes them feel ashamed and conceal their stories

    I guess what I might be hoping is that later if/when your boys encounter a personal racist attack, they will remember when many people they know and admire went through the same, and responded with such strength, and it might counteract some of the core evil?

    Sorry for such a convoluted comment, I just found that photo of the boys hugging their friend so powerful, and tried to articulate why.

  • MorMor says:

    You are a really good mother Heather. I am so thankful Kyle and Owen have you for a mom. XO

  • Nancy says:

    Grace and peace…

  • Renee Simons says:

    This blog post literally made me cry real tears. As a Lehigh graduate and former U-house resident, I remember experiencing this very same thing during my time at Lehigh. Eggs were thrown, and a skinned dear head was left at our door (amongst many MANY other occurrences that happened away from the U-house, but still on Lehigh’s campus, nonetheless). I was very fearful at that time, and have a heavy heart for the current students that probably are in fear now, and those that are now struggling with feelings of anger. My heart breaks that an even more extreme event happened years later, but I am glad that we are all banning together to do something about it. Thank you for taking the time to write this.
    Warm Regards,
    Renee Simons c/o ’06

  • Jennifer says:

    I cried reading this post, because of my own 9 year old brown boy (he is biracial – brown is his preferred term and one I respect while explaining how other people might refer to him). One of my challenges as a white adoptive parent is explaining the reality of living as a black man in America without scaring him or causing self-hatred. I am so, so glad that you faced this incident head-on. The rally sounds amazing. Our boys are on the verge of aging from “cute” to “dangerous” and it terrifies me. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Phyl says:

    I’m so sorry!

  • Sharon says:

    Your boys are blessed to have a mother so committed to their well being. You’ve been very honest with them and are preparing them for what they will face in this country.

  • Oh boy, this made me cry. But I am so proud of you for being strong and facing this head on despite the (I assume) desire to keep them innocent/sheltered. Our kids are going to deal with racism their whole lives-and that kills me-and the best thing we can do it show them how to fight back, be strong and surround themselves with people who are fighting the good fight. Love sent from Seattle

  • Stacey says:

    That is just so incredibly sad and awful to see such racism where you live. I’m so sorry.

    I’m so glad that you were surrounded by supportive people fighting against racism–showing your kids that most people are not full of hate. The world can be an awful place sometimes and I think you’re doing a great job navigating with your family.

    I read often but don’t comment much only because I’m often reading quickly on my lunch break. I love your pics, your family and your stories. :)

  • Kate says:

    Thank you Heather for writing this post. I re-read it numerous times and at first didn’t have the time or words to express my thoughts.

    I am so sorry that the students and community of Umoja House have been affected by these atrocious acts of Racisim. It is a wake up call that College Campus is not a bubble away from the real world.

    I am so glad to hear the community mobilized quickly to show their support and unity and SO SO glad you have this example to show your children, especially Kyle and Owen. Like you said, It is so important for to hear the reality and to see the support also.

    Such a profound post — and I can just imagine the conversations you will have in days and weeks, months and years to come as a family. Great work navigating this, thank you Heather and Braydon for being open and sincere to help others navigate this issue with their young children too.

    Wishing you all Peace and Strength for the Road Ahead!


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