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Campus Kids: Q&A with O&K&M

Posted by | June 26, 2014 | BAMBINOS | One Comment

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We have been living on campus at Lehigh University for two years now. Lehigh is not historically a campus that has had a Faculty in Residence Program, so kids have not traditionally lived on this campus. Owen, Kyle, and Meera have made a big splash as the first “Faculty Family Kids” (that is how they refer to themselves). They are, I’m pretty sure, the most popular people on this campus! Lots of people are interested in their perspectives on campus life. I sat down with each of them and asked 10 Questions. Here are their unedited, unfiltered, direct-quote answers. In a few places I’ve clarified things by putting my own words [in brackets].

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What is your favorite dining hall on campus?

O: The Faculty Dining Hall. The food that Jesus makes is like a graceful party in your mouth! I hope he reads this. Jesus is the best chef on the campus. [The “Faculty Dining Room” = the Asa Packer Dining Room, 3rd floor of the UC.]

K: The Faculty Dining Hall, definitely. And they lie when they say it’s the same food as the student dining halls. At the Faculty Dining Hall they make a little sauce that’s different, or something like that. There is something different. And it is better!

M: Rathbone. Because I like the spaghetti there. It is so yummy!

What is your favorite thing to get to eat at a student dining hall?

O: Penne with alfredo at Rathbone pasta bar.

K: Definitely crepes at Cort.

M: Ice Cream!

What’s the best pizza on campus?

O: Pandini’s, definitely.

K: Pandini’s!

M: Cheese pizza.

What’s the best pizza delivery to campus?

O: Dominoes.

K: Definitely Dominoes.

M: Dominoes.

What do you think is the best place to hang out on campus?

O: Below the UC, the lawn of the UC. [“UC” = University Center] You can walk down from the UC too, and play in the area where the food truck usually is. [He’s talking about the outdoor open space between Maginnes and the Fairchild-Martindale Library.] These are good areas to hang out because I get to see a lot of my friends there. A lot of students are walking there and hanging out there so we get to see our friends there.

K: That’s hard. Because there are a lot of good places to hang out. But I’d say Campus Square, definitely. You can get to have ice cream, you can play around there. There’s the fountains there. You can have fun outside there.

M: Around the students, that’s the best place. I hang out around the students at home. At Sayre.

What do you get at The Cup? [“The Cup” is the campus ice cream shop.]

O: I get mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip mixed together in a milkshake.

K: Black raspberry milkshake.

M: Party cake, in a cone, with rainbow sprinkles.

What’s your favorite thing to do on campus?

O: Going to football games. Going to the gym to play basketball with the students. Riding the bus! Have babysitters and go to The Cup!

K: Bike riding in the woods. Going to football games. Going to baseball games. Going to basketball games. Going to big huge crazy student parties where they have a bunch of Cokes and I get to sneak some.

M: Go get ice cream at The Cup then ride the bus back up to Sayre.

If you had to choose just one thing that is the best part of living on campus, what would it be?

O: We are surrounded by college students, and when they can, they can play with us. We get to do things that other kids wouldn’t be able to do. We know a lot of people, so sometimes we can get to do all sorts of cool stuff.

K: Having college students around all the time and going to their sports games.

M: Be around students, making friends with students, they’re very nice. I like to color with students.

If you had to choose just one thing that is the worst part of living on campus, what would it be?

O: When there are racism problems. Like this year, at Lehigh, we had some racism problems and I hate that. Oh, and I HATE Quiet Hours! [Notes: This year was a difficult one at Lehigh — you can read about some of what Owen is referring to by clicking here. Also, re: Quiet Hours — in the residential areas of campus “Quiet Hours” are observed from 10pm-10am.]

K: The worse part is that they don’t allow trampolines. Because students would get all crazy and do crazy tricks and get dangerous on the trampolines. So, we can’t have a trampoline. I miss our trampoline. A lot. I really miss it. And Quiet Hours. Sometimes when it is our bedtime they aren’t quiet, but then when they are sleeping ‘till ten, or sleeping ‘till noon, we have to be all quiet for them!

M: Nothing. There is no worst part.

If you had one piece of advice for other kids who might live on a college campus someday, what would it be?

O: During Quiet Hours, you cannot make too much noise, because if someone complains to the right person, you’re out!

K: Alright, this one’s tricky. Let me see. Ok. Unless you have a friend in a sorority or fraternity, never go near them because they are just going to kick you out and they’ll just say, “Leave! What are you doing here?”

M: It’s wonderful living here. To make friends with students, you ask them: “What’s your name?” And when you live on campus you can spend more time with your mommy. It is just awesome here. I love it. It is awesome living here. I love it here so much!

One Comment

  • Julie Fritz says:

    We live across from Butler University and a new friend is a faculty in residence family there. I think she said there are 6 other families in the program and her kids seem to have the same feelings as yours. A great place to live! When our kids were little, I loved having the college kids nearby and a few even hung with the kids. What a great experience for all of you!

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