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Coming Home

Posted by | September 15, 2014 | BAMBINOS | 2 Comments


We’ve been living on campus for two years now. It is fully, now, feeling like home, for real.

When we came home at the end of the summer — after having been gone for seven weeks — what was most striking to me was this: it was upon driving onto the campus that Kyle, Owen, and Meera announced “We’re home!” It wasn’t as we walked in the door of our apartment, or even pulled up to Sayre. It was when we turned right up Mountain Drive and began to wind our way around South Mountain that they got excited; it was when we turned left into “The Hill” that they were practically jumping out of the back seat. “We’re home! We’re home! We’re home!”

Lehigh feels, to them, like home. It seems extraordinary to me.

And home, for them, feels really good. It is their familiar, their safe place, the axis on which their world turns. They were so happy to come home; to get back to Lehigh. This too seems extraordinary to me.

It has been quite a journey we’ve been on. I don’t want to forget the nuances of it.

As adults, Braydon and I are thinking about “home” on a different level. But as kids, Kyle and Owen and Meera aren’t thinking about it as much as they are just feeling it. It is so clear to me, now, as we embark on our third year here, that they feel that home is Lehigh. Lehigh isn’t just where Mommy works, or where they go to see a football game every once in a while. And Lehigh isn’t perfect. But Lehigh is their place, their world, and their place in the world. And it is a place that they are pretty realistic about, but that they like and feel good in. Our little apartment is, for sure, the center of their universe, but the whole of Lehigh — the entire campus — is their home.

After an amazing summer, we came home.




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