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The Boys vis-à-vis The Blog

Posted by | September 25, 2014 | BAMBINOS | 2 Comments


I am still trying to play catch-up, with so much still to post about. In the meantime, I have to post this photo (above) today, specifically per Kyle’s request.

During a day-trip to Philadelphia on Sunday, walking down the street (after having stopped for the most delicious gelato), Kyle stopped me and asked me to take a photo of us together, “for the blog.” Owen overheard this, and jumped right into our selfie (bunny ears over his brother and all), in order for me to capture the shot above. Unfiltered, unedited, I love it for the moment that it captures: the boys vis-à-vis the blog.

I had always thought that as the bambinos got older I’d eventually stop blogging for their sakes. I figured that one or all three of them would reach a point where they wouldn’t want photos of themselves plastered online for all the world to see; or that they’d become embarrassed by their mother’s blogging; or they’d decide it was time for their online presence to be fully within their own control…. or something like that. Instead, strangely enough, and much to my surprise, it has — at least so far — been quite the opposite. While Meera, at age 6, is still pretty much oblivious to the blog, Kyle and Owen, at age 10, are fully aware of it and embracing it more and more with the passing of time.

Kyle and Owen now frequently talk to me about their ideas for blog posts I should write (or not write), or point out photos I should take (or not take), or tell me stories of their experiences in regard to the blog (“Hey mom, did you know that Suzie’s mother reads the blog?!” or “Hey mom, Joey’s dad makes that recipe you posted on the blog!” or — the latest, from today: “Hey mom, we showed our whole class the blog today in Tech Lab!” um, what?!?!!!). It is all very bizarre actually. But it is what it is: the boys are seemingly leaning into the blog rather than pushing it away.

I’m not sure what exactly made Kyle want this photo so much, or why it is important to him that it is posted. I wouldn’t have taken it, and I wouldn’t have posted it. But we seem to be turning some sort of corner with blogging, or maybe turning the page to a new chapter in it. My hunch is that as time marches on there will be more material here that is more and more heavily influenced by what the boys want to see posted (or not). Never a dull moment.


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